Tarmil / FSharp.SystemTextJson

System.Text.Json extensions for F# types
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Union deserialiser cannot handle the internal tag not being the first property #93

Closed Happypig375 closed 3 years ago

Happypig375 commented 3 years ago
type [<JsonFSharpConverter(JsonUnionEncoding.InternalTag ||| JsonUnionEncoding.UnwrapRecordCases, unionTagName="Type")>] DU =
| [<JsonPropertyName "3">] T3 of {| CommonProp:int; Type3Prop:string |}
| [<JsonPropertyName "4">] T4 of {| CommonProp:int; Type4Prop:int |}
System.Text.Json.JsonException: Failed to parse type DU: expected "Type", found PropertyName
xperiandri commented 3 years ago

Same issue

xperiandri commented 3 years ago

This is how I usually implement the reader

override __.Read (reader, _, _) =
    if reader.TokenType <> JsonTokenType.StartObject then raise <| JsonException ()
    let properties = Dictionary<string, obj>(4)
    reader.Read () |> ignore
    while reader.TokenType <> JsonTokenType.EndObject do
        let propertyName = reader.GetString ()
        reader.Read () |> ignore
        match propertyName with
        | "type" -> properties.Add (propertyName, reader.GetString () |> box)
        | "code" -> properties.Add (propertyName, reader.GetInt64 () |> box)
        | "description" -> properties.Add (propertyName, reader.GetString () |> box)
        | "imageUrl" -> properties.Add (propertyName, reader.GetString () |> box)
        | _ -> ()
        reader.Read () |> ignore

    match properties.TryGetValue "type" with
    | true, value ->
        match value with
        | :? string as value when value = "Dana" ->
            let code = Dana.create (properties.Item ("code") :?> int64)
            let description = properties.TryFind ("description") |> ValueOption.mapOption (fun d -> d :?> string)
            let imageUrl = properties.TryFind ("imageUrl") |> ValueOption.mapOption (fun d -> d :?> string |> Url.ofStringOrFail)
            DanaCode (code, description, imageUrl)
        | :? string as value when value.StartsWith "ISBN" ->
            let isbn =
                match value with
                | "ISBN10" -> (properties.Item ("code") :?> int64).ToString ("D10")
                | "ISBN13" -> (properties.Item ("code") :?> int64).ToString ("D13")
                | _ -> raise <| NotSupportedException ()
                |> ISBN.createOrFail
            let description = properties.TryFind ("description") |> ValueOption.mapOption (fun d -> d :?> string)
            let imageUrl = properties.TryFind ("imageUrl") |> ValueOption.mapOption (fun d -> d :?> string |> Url.ofStringOrFail)
            ISBNCode (isbn, description, imageUrl)
        | _ -> raise <| NotSupportedException ()
    | _, _ -> raise <| NotSupportedException ()
xperiandri commented 3 years ago

What you can do for the general case is to read the whole object into a JsonDocument

let readObjectAsString (reader: byref<Utf8JsonReader>) =
    use document = JsonDocument.ParseValue (&reader)

Get the discriminator from it and then deserialize into a right type

xperiandri commented 3 years ago

@Tarmil, what do you think about this option?

Tarmil commented 3 years ago

This code makes an assumption that is unfortunately not true in general; namely, that a field with a given name always has the same type. You couldn't write a parser in this style for a type like this:

type DU =
  | A of x: T1
  | B of x: T2

because if you find an "x" before the tag field, you don't know whether to read it as a T1 or a T2.

Now, that being said, we could figure out while constructing the JsonConverter whether a union type is readable out of order or not. If it is, then in the parser, if the first field isn't the tag, then we can switch to an alternate implementation.

JsonDocument isn't an option unfortunately, because we can't read a field with its appropriate JsonConverter from a JsonElement.

xperiandri commented 3 years ago

But you can put that JsonDocoment into a MemoryStream and return back to ability to use converters

Happypig375 commented 3 years ago

Here is my workaround:

    // https://github.com/Tarmil/FSharp.SystemTextJson/issues/93
    type [<Struct; JsonConverter(typeof<Issue93QuickFixConverter>)>] Issue93QuickFix<'T>(quickFix:'T) =
        member _.QuickFix = quickFix
        override _.ToString() = sprintf "Issue93QuickFix %+A" quickFix
    and Issue93QuickFixConverter<'T>() =
        inherit JsonConverter<Issue93QuickFix<'T>>()
        let nameToLookFor =
            typeof<'T>.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<JsonFSharpConverterAttribute>, true) |> function
            | [||] -> "Case"
            | attributes ->
            attributes.[0] :?> JsonFSharpConverterAttribute
            |> typeof<JsonFSharpConverterAttribute>.GetField("fsOptions", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic ||| Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue
            :?> JsonFSharpOptions
            |> fun x -> x.UnionTagName
        override _.Read(reader, _, options) =
            let originalCount = reader.BytesConsumed
            let d = JsonDocument.ParseValue &reader
            let mutable v = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
            for p in d.RootElement.EnumerateObject() do if p.Name = nameToLookFor then v <- p
            if v = Unchecked.defaultof<_> then failwithf "Union tag name %s not found." nameToLookFor
            use stream = new IO.MemoryStream(reader.BytesConsumed - originalCount |> int)
            use w = new Utf8JsonWriter(stream)
            v.WriteTo w
            for p in d.RootElement.EnumerateObject() do if p.Name <> nameToLookFor then p.WriteTo w
            Issue93QuickFix <| JsonSerializer.Deserialize<'T>(ReadOnlySpan<_>(stream.GetBuffer(), 0, int stream.Length), options)
xperiandri commented 3 years ago


let discriminator =
    match d.RootElement.TryGetValue nameToLookFor with
    | true, value -> 
    | false, _ -> failwithf "Union tag name %s not found." nameToLookFor

And document has a method to write it into a stream. No need to enumerate an object at all. And deserialize allows passing a type as 2nd parameter instead of <'T>.

Happypig375 commented 3 years ago

The document method is not applicable here since we don't want to write the tag twice, so there is a filter here. TryGetValue may help simplify the code though.

Tarmil commented 3 years ago

The JsonDocument approach is sure to be a big performance hit, since it means parsing, writing and re-parsing the object. So I'd rather make it an explicit choice from the user. I think a good approach would be:

xperiandri commented 3 years ago

I suppose that you can avoid memory copying by using slices. That way there will be no performance hit, only a lookup of a union tag

Tarmil commented 3 years ago

Looking up the tag in the JsonDocument isn't the performance worry; creating the JsonDocument, then writing it, then Deserializing the written result is.

xperiandri commented 3 years ago

So my proposal is: From Utf8JsonReader you get the System.Buffers.ReadOnlySequence<byte> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.text.json.utf8jsonreader.valuesequence?view=net-5.0#System_Text_Json_Utf8JsonReader_ValueSequence That sequence you parse with https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.text.json.jsondocument.parse?view=net-5.0

This way no copy happens

xperiandri commented 3 years ago

@Tarmil could you try my solution?