The gafbar comes in because we use the same features as in Mirza, which decomposes in the first row, but not in the second. The original characters are missing the gafbar completely. Thus, another error here is that the _top anchor of gafbar-ar is probably displaced or/and gafbar-ar is not a mark.
This is Katibeh:
The gafbar comes in because we use the same features as in Mirza, which decomposes in the first row, but not in the second. The original characters are missing the gafbar completely. Thus, another error here is that the
anchor ofgafbar-ar
is probably displaced or/and gafbar-ar is not a mark.And the ring seems broken, too in the examle.
This is Mirza:
The second row is not being decomposed, hence in the Katibeh example these glyphs are composed differently (wrong?).