Tarobish / Mirza

Mirza Arabic Font Project
SIL Open Font License 1.1
32 stars 4 forks source link

generate ufos #88

Closed graphicore closed 8 years ago

graphicore commented 8 years ago

Hi, @Tarobish

I need you to do some things for me:

  1. Clean up the "Generated" directory. Delete everything but the Documents directory:

    • Mirza-Bold.ufo
    • Mirza-Regular.ufo
    • UFO -Kerning, With Production Names
    • UFO -Kerning, Without Production Names
    • UFO -Without Production Namas
    • Kerning.metrics
    • Mirza-Bold.ttf
    • Mirza-Medium.ttf
    • Mirza-Regular.ttf
    • Mirza-SemiBold.ttf

    (I would do it myself, but that will confuse SparkleShare, as it did in the past.)

  2. Create a directory Generated/Arabic and Generated/Latin
  3. In Glyphs Export the instances of the fonts as UFO and as OTF into Generated/Arabic. Don't "save" the project, do "export" with the instances (I think it's at Cmd-E as a shortcut, judging from the screenshot in here). If it asks you about production names chose "yes". Check "remove overlap" and check "autohint". Don't check "Save as TTF"
  4. Do the same export for the Latin Glyphs-project from Eduardo. It's in Sources/Mirza-LATIN-SOURCE.glyphs (I just put it there maybe you have to refresh SparkleShare) into Generated/Latin

As a check, after exporting instances, there should be 4 UFOs and 4OTFs for each script.

Thank you very much!

Tarobish commented 8 years ago

Please check them and let me know, as well as "Katibeh"

graphicore commented 8 years ago

About the ufos: This are the exported masters. I was hoping you could export the instances as ufo. If that's not possible at all, what you did is just fine.

Basically, what's missing are: Mirza-SemiBold ... .ufo and Mirza-Medium ... .ufo

About the font files: I need the otf files not ttf. This is because I'm going to use makeoftfof the AFDKO (Adobe Font Development Kit For Open Type) and that one needs otf as input. I can later convert the otfs myself to ttf.

Tarobish commented 8 years ago

Hi, I just found a way and I did it Generated the whole instance then exporting UFO and .metric separately



On Jan 25, 2016, at 5:54 AM, Lasse Fister notifications@github.com wrote:

About the ufos: This are the exported masters. I was hoping you could export the instances as ufo. If that's not possible at all, what you did is just fine.

Basically, what's missing are: Mirza-SemiBold ... .ufo and Mirza-Medium ... .ufo

About the font files: I need the otf files not ttf. This is because I'm going to use makeoftfof the AFDKO (Adobe Font Development Kit For Open Type) and that one needs otf as input. I can later convert the otfs myself to ttf.

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graphicore commented 8 years ago

Great! Yeah that looks good. Though, I don't need the *.metrcis files, that's what I'm going to use the ufos for.


Tarobish commented 8 years ago

Great :)


On Jan 25, 2016, at 10:15 AM, Lasse Fister notifications@github.com wrote:

Great! Yeah that looks good. Though, I don't need the *.metrcis files, that's what I'm going to use the ufos for.


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