Tarrgon / BooruSlideshow

A Google Chrome extension for a slideshow of boorus.
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

a possible feature and question (partially electron app) #2

Closed 99spooner closed 4 years ago

99spooner commented 4 years ago

First off i just want to say a big thank you for what you are doing. im curious if 2 things are possible, you dont have to do them if you dont think you can just curious

  1. is it possible to add a button or something that would allow for multiples of the same image from multiple sites, this was possible in previous versions of the original add on up until version 7.14 when changes were made

  2. this one is less likely but im just curious, is there anyway to hide the white bar on the top of the electron app when in full screen.

also just want to say sorry if im asking too much from you with all that you have done, i have nearly next to no knowledge of coding or any of the things done to make an extension or app work so you are a big help

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

Can you take a picture of what you mean by the bar? (I'm not currently home) and the switch for allowing multiple of the same images might be doable but as it isn't all my code, I'll have to do some digging, but if it's a possibility, sure. Looked at the commits, it should definitely be possible. I'll work on it when I get home.

99spooner commented 4 years ago

its the white one on the top with file, edit, view, window and help. Pic, i dont think its possible but hey it cant hurt to ask.

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

@99spooner yeah that's possible, should just be one line, I was looking into it yesterday.

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

About allowing duplicates: it's all based on md5 hashes, so I will be able to allow duplicates, but I won't be able to let you duplicate it into your favorites list if it's already on there.

99spooner commented 4 years ago

That's fine

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

Win32x64 version is now live here make sure to clear cache to ensure it's the newest version. Other versions will be live within 24 hours here

Extension will be updated within 10 minutes. Reopen this if it didn't work for you.

99spooner commented 4 years ago

ok we have a slight problem now, the duplicates part seems to work fine but now im not able to put the app into full screen mode by pressing f11, im guessing since the white bar at the top was removed im not able to do it anymore, if there is anything that you can do please try but if not just put the white bar back (assuming its the reason i cant go fullscreen)

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

Yeah removing the menu seemed to have removed all key shortcuts, I'll add fullscreen back (if possible) when I get time tomorrow, in the meantime, you might be able to fullscreen a webm then scroll down to search, not sure though

99spooner commented 4 years ago

Thanks, if possible you might also want to add back in the menu that had the cut paste and copy buttons or something similar as the api keys for e621 and derpibooru are a bit long and I would be easier if we could just copy and paste them from the sites

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

I believe that also came from the menu, I'll add back fullscreen (F11) copy (ctrl+c) and paste (ctrl+v) tomorrow. If you can think of any other shortcuts, please tell me so I don't have to make multiple updates. All the shortcuts for the app work though, right? (Arrow keys, WASD, L, etc.) They all worked in my test but I'd like to confirm

99spooner commented 4 years ago

yeah all of the the keys listed under hotkeys seem to work fine (besides full screen of course). also i had forgotten about the keyboard shortcuts for copy and paste and tested them both and they both work fine so all you need to worry about is fullscreen.

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

All right, I'll work on it tomorrow when I get time.

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

Uploading Windows 64 bit fix now. I will update all other versions within 24 hours of this comment. ETA on Windows x64 10 minutes As per the usual, direct link to Win32x64 here all downloads (which there are no others for now) here

Tarrgon commented 4 years ago

Reopen and comment if it doesn't work.