Users are asking for a bigger font size for verses displayed on the App as these are not very clear at times
Not everyone knows the universal icon for recording sound -- they may just start reciting before clicking the button thinking that it is automated. Maybe we should put some text below the button saying "Click to start recording the Ayah". We could also include a message for people to "Click to stop recording the Ayah" as this may not be obvious to older people. There have been multiple users who have expressed that it is not obvious when it is recording.
After you have entered the web/phone app, there is no way to go back to the home page. It would be good to enable this option for users as they currently cannot see the verses count on the Web App if they are in a recording session.
Users have been confused by the interface/how to use it - maybe having a tutorial at the beginning (walking them from start to finish through a recording) may be helpful. We can include an option to skip the tutorial.