Tascurator / tascurator-frontend

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feat: create UI components floating action button #54

Closed Akikaze1119 closed 1 month ago

Akikaze1119 commented 1 month ago


The task is to create a shared UI component for floating action button.


Created floating action button component with Button component and styled it based on figma

Screenshots or videos

▼Figma image

▼Code https://github.com/Tascurator/tascurator-frontend/assets/132441773/aeb0ac5d-7c1a-45ca-ac76-c545a0d8b554


About Shadows

I'm using TailWindCSS shadow-md instead of the style as per Figma.

▼ Reasons for change (1) Basically, because of the policy of using TailWindCSS class for production. (2) Because I think that shadow-md is able to express a concave image sufficiently.

Assignee Checklist:

Reviewer Checklist:

Akikaze1119 commented 1 month ago

Could you modify the PR title to match our standard?

Thank you for your review. Sorry, I modified it.

Feature/13 create UI components floating action button ↓ feat/13 create UI components floating action button

akiomatic commented 1 month ago

Could you modify the PR title to match our standard?

Thank you for your review. Sorry, I modified it.

Feature/13 create UI components floating action button ↓ feat/13 create UI components floating action button

The PR title is still not currently following our standards. Just like the commit message guidlines, the PR title should follow the format: type(optional scope): description.

Akikaze1119 commented 1 month ago

The PR title is still not currently following our standards. Just like the commit message guidlines, the PR title should follow the format: type(optional scope): description.

Sorry, I missed to modify /: I modified it.

akiomatic commented 1 month ago

The PR title is still not currently following our standards. Just like the commit message guidlines, the PR title should follow the format: type(optional scope): description.

Sorry, I missed to modify /: I modified it.

Could you please adjust the title to start with verb like feat: (verb) (noun)?

Akikaze1119 commented 1 month ago

The PR title is still not currently following our standards. Just like the commit message guidlines, the PR title should follow the format: type(optional scope): description.

Sorry, I missed to modify /: I modified it.

Could you please adjust the title to start with verb like feat: (verb) (noun)?

I remove number.