Tascurator / tascurator-frontend

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feat: create UI components accordion #62

Closed yuki-92c closed 2 weeks ago

yuki-92c commented 1 month ago



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export default function Home() { return (

mop the floor

The king, seeing how much happier his subjects were, realized the error of his ways and repealed the joke tax.

mop the floor

The king, seeing how much happier his subjects were, realized the error of his ways and repealed the joke tax.

Kitchen Yes. It comes with default styles that matches the other components' aesthetic.

); }

## Assignee Checklist:

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- [x] My changes generate no new warnings or errors in the console

## Reviewer Checklist:

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- [ ] Code readability and simplicity
- [ ] Follows best practices and coding standards
- [ ] Understandable and maintainable code
yuki-92c commented 2 weeks ago

thanks! and execute npm install so please review when you have time