Task-Force-Raider / Liberation-Livonia

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Suggestion - IED/Mine/UXO clearance as secondary objectives #9

Open Grewsome2018 opened 4 years ago

Grewsome2018 commented 4 years ago

In terms of difficulty - I don't think this would be overly difficult to implement and could just give the engineers a bit more to do than field repair helis when I clip the rotors on trees

the-pope-himself commented 4 years ago

I like this idea a lot. Would we set it up as an actual in-game objective or just role play?

I'm thinking if it's in-game we drop in a radio trigger for squad leads call it "UXO disposal" or something. Then when it's called it drops a marker on the map at squaddies location, designating the area as having UXO, once the mine is cleared the marker gets removed. Could potentially tie it into the Lib reward system to reduce civ hostility once completed.

McFurSun commented 4 years ago

With whats already in mission, i.e. when the civs get angry at us they place IED's, we could get + points for defusing them much like we get + points for healing wounded civs.

Could even go as far as getting a report of an IED placed in a friendly territory and having to go in and locate and defuse it. Othere squaddies would have to set security for cordon and repel the ambush/counterattack.

the-pope-himself commented 4 years ago

Only issue with that is, at the rate that we've pissed off the civs in the current lib, having some sort of notification or objective pop up every time they drop an IED would get pretty disruptive.

Grewsome2018 commented 4 years ago

Perhaps we could set it up as a secondary objective so the commander has to be at base and select it, the same as they select FOB Hunt or SAR ops? That way, we could copy the FOB hunt file and instead of destroying the crates at the Fob or whatever, we can say that if the mines are destroyed or deactivated it's completed, and rather than dropping OPFOR hostility, it reduces CIV anger?

I don't know, thoughts on that approach?

McFurSun commented 4 years ago

From the KP Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/154937272368758784/291690109760176128/547679432479997963

// Safe CivRep Changing (use this instead of direct global variable change) // Needs to be executed on the server/host // _amount can be positive or negative to add/substract the given value [_amount] call F_cr_changeCR;

now to work that into completing whatever task we want. Could copy a task as above or make some real simple stuff that once complete it adds +CivRep.

the-pope-himself commented 4 years ago

We need to investigate whether IEDs are persistent across the map and spawned at all times or whether they are just spawned in around the players as they travel...I have a suspicion it is the latter which will make setting the lib-spawned IEDs as an objective difficult/impossible.

A solution would be to create the objective as per Grews suggestion then just have our own script that spawns an IED in a random location, near a road, and rewards removal with positive civilian reputation.