The test ServiceLevelPriorityWithWorkingDaysCalculationAccTest.should_VerifyThatCreateAndPlannedAreClose failed in the pipeline two times consecutevely. After that and before that, the test never failed. It might be related to the usage of
The test should_DeleteOldWorkbasketCleanupJobs_When_InitializingSchedule is also flaky. It needs to be looked into
TaskanaProducersTest.testRollback is also flaky
ExampleBootstrapTest.should_count_tasks_after_example_cdi_application_was_deployed is also flaky
The test ServiceLevelPriorityWithWorkingDaysCalculationAccTest.should_VerifyThatCreateAndPlannedAreClose failed in the pipeline two times consecutevely. After that and before that, the test never failed. It might be related to the usage of
The test should_DeleteOldWorkbasketCleanupJobs_When_InitializingSchedule is also flaky. It needs to be looked into
TaskanaProducersTest.testRollback is also flaky
ExampleBootstrapTest.should_count_tasks_after_example_cdi_application_was_deployed is also flaky