We also created an Augmented Reality Try-On web component called ARTOv5 to easily display 3D objects on top of faces. Try it here:
To easily add 3D models to ARTOv5, we also created a convenient exporter called TPPTv5 which is based on the ThreeJS editor. Feedback is welcome. Give it a try:
This is the BRFv5 JavaScript SDK Release. I hope you like it as much as we do. In the coming weeks we will also add the same platform support we had for BRFv4.
I'm proud to announce the release of the BRFv5 JavaScript SDK - Face Tracking right in your browser.
The JS examples can be found on GitHub as always: https://github.com/Tastenkunst/brfv5-browser
The online browser demo for the SDK is here: https://tastenkunst.github.io/brfv5-browser/
We also created an Augmented Reality Try-On web component called ARTOv5 to easily display 3D objects on top of faces. Try it here: https://www.artov5.com/
To easily add 3D models to ARTOv5, we also created a convenient exporter called TPPTv5 which is based on the ThreeJS editor. Feedback is welcome. Give it a try: https://www.artov5.com/tpptv5
This is the BRFv5 JavaScript SDK Release. I hope you like it as much as we do. In the coming weeks we will also add the same platform support we had for BRFv4.
BRFv5 #FaceTracking #FaceDetection #MachineLearning #JavaScript #WebAssembly #threejs #AR #AugmentedReality