Tatoeba / tatoeba2

Tatoeba is a platform whose purpose is to create a collaborative and open dataset of sentences and their translations.
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Show relevant content on start page - start page is mostly irrelevant #2574

Open DarkTrick opened 3 years ago

DarkTrick commented 3 years ago

Problem / Story / Context

The start page of tatoeba (https://tatoeba.org/eng) is showing completely irrelevant content (and probably wasting CPU by that(?)).

Concrete example:

My profile says I'm native in German, speak English and learn Japanese.

However, I get information about "Latest contributions" and "Latest comments" in: Russian, French, Esperanto, Toki Pona (I didn't know this even exists),... you get the idea.

Fun fact: It's so irrelevant, that I today - after 7 years of using tatoeba - looked at it for the first time, I guess.

Suggestion Disclaimer

There are many ways to solve the problem. I don't claim that my suggestion below is "the best" or even "very good". It is rather "probably easy to implement" and "minimally inversive". Perhaps some else has a better solution to the problem :)


ckjpn commented 3 years ago

I think this is a good suggestion. Perhaps add a setting for each member to choose what he/she wants to see, including "see all" which would be the way things are currently, which would be useful for Corpus Maintainers.

DarkTrick, In the meantime, you could bookmark both of these. I use a version of these myself to more easily see the incoming sentences and comments in languages I'm interested in.

http://study.aitech.ac.jp/tatoeba/translate/links.php?f=eng&t=deu English to German

http://study.aitech.ac.jp/tatoeba/translate/links.php?f=jpn&t=deu Japanese to German