Tatoeba / tatoeba2

Tatoeba is a platform whose purpose is to create a collaborative and open dataset of sentences and their translations.
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offer an efficient way to find speakers who are active and native-level (or as close to both as possible) #3075

Open alanfgh opened 11 months ago

alanfgh commented 11 months ago

There are several situations when I want to find speakers who have been active as recently as possible, and who have self-reported native-level proficiency in a given language (or as close to it as possible):

(1) when I want to find help with sentences, in a language that is not my native one, in a personal language-learning context (2) when I want someone to comment on the correctness/naturalness of a sentence, in a language that is not my native one, in an admin/corpus maintainer context

I haven't found a good way to do this. The closest I've come is an advanced search. Here's an example for Bulgarian:

Then I need to plow through the sentences. This is not ideal because what I really want is a list of speakers, perhaps sorted by proficiency in Bulgarian, perhaps sorted by most recent activity, perhaps sorted by one and then the other. But instead I get six sentences by "dobri" (who has not visited the site for almost five months), followed by at least 50 by "iu" (who has not visited the site for almost six months). I eventually managed to find another contributor -- but this contributor is not a native speaker.

I tried using @ckjpn's lists of native speakers with recent contributions (not located on Tatoeba). But that was also inefficient because it contained many rows where people had not made any contributions in the last X months. Also, I could only sort by one column at a time, not two. I was able to combine a one-column sort with a search for the language code, but this was not ideal.

I would expect "Community/List of all members", "Community/Languages of members", or "Community/Native speakers" to allow me to find this information. However:

I would love it if a new submenu were added to the "Community" menu. This submenu would make it easy to find as-recent-as-possible as-proficient-as-possible members.