Tatsu-syo / noMeiryoUI

No!! MeiryoUI is Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10/11.
MIT License
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フォント設定が初期設定でないと、NoMeiryoUIのタイトルが消えます。 #111

Closed kingofotaku closed 4 months ago

kingofotaku commented 4 months ago

初期設定だと↓ image しかし一箇所でも変えるとこんなふうになります(どのフォントにしても同じく)↓ image

Tatsu-syo commented 4 months ago

Probably, I missed title bar height calculation. To set font settings and window element size settings use same API and structure. I forget title bar height calculation and title bar height changed insufficient height to draw application title. I fix it next version. Thanks and sorry.

Tatsu-syo commented 4 months ago

I reproduce glitch and fix it. But it's weird.

I compile on Visual Studio 2008, this issue occurred. But I compiled it on Visual Studio 2022 and it's compiler, this issue not occurred. But Microsoft anti virus products judges it's virus. I use Visual Studio 2012 and it's compiler this issue not occurred and Microsoft anti virus products don't judge it's virus.

How about it?

For such and such reasons, I fix bug and release new version and close issue.