Tatsu-syo / noMeiryoUI

No!! MeiryoUI is Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10/11.
MIT License
4.71k stars 163 forks source link

To release Version 3.2.0 #71

Closed Tatsu-syo closed 10 months ago

Tatsu-syo commented 11 months ago

I am planning to release version 3.2.0 on August 26 or 27.

On this version I changed these issues.

To release, I want to translate language files and help files (My first language is Japanese and I also translate English poorly.). And want to get suggestions.

If you take interest in this release, please check files below or fork release branch.

If you want to or improve translate, fork release branch or use this package. help folder is help contents. lang folder is language file.


If you want to test only, use this package(Files planning to release).


私は8月26日か27日にVersion 3.2.0をリリースしようと考えております。



mon-jai commented 11 months ago

The notepad-related fix works for me.

Windows 11 Pro 22H2 22621.2134

Tatsu-syo commented 11 months ago

I make 2nd version release candidate file.

This version fix file name description on help files. And, add registry backup file.

For translators, I add registry backup description on English, if you can translate, merge release branch and translate and send pull request or send me translated file.

For testers


For translators


Tatsu-syo commented 11 months ago

Simplified Chinese translation is done via my private mail. I merge translation files in public release repository "release".

Tatsu-syo commented 11 months ago

I added translators credit.

For testers


For translators


Tatsu-syo commented 11 months ago

Today I released Version 3.2.0.

If you have intrest to translation help, fork and pull request, or send me translation.

Thank you for many peoples to tell improve ideas and tests especially mon-jai.

Tatsu-syo commented 10 months ago

Version 3.2.x series are released. And, I close this issue.