Tatsu-syo / noMeiryoUI

No!! MeiryoUI is Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10/11.
MIT License
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Update zh-CN.lng #75

Closed HSSkyBoy closed 10 months ago

HSSkyBoy commented 10 months ago

添加了缺少的警告文本翻译并修复了一些翻译错误 比如将默认翻译成缺省的问题

Tatsu-syo commented 10 months ago

Thank you for your cooperation. I will include missing translations. And another pull request is comming. Defferents are below.What do you think?


HSSkyBoy commented 10 months ago

The official translation of 韩文 in Chinese Mainland is 朝鲜语.

Tatsu-syo commented 10 months ago

Thank you. Another pull requester says same. So, would it be like this? DLG_CHARSET_HANGUL=朝鲜语 I'm thinking of incorporatng it as is for the rest of it.

HSSkyBoy commented 10 months ago


Tatsu-syo commented 10 months ago

I Add comments in presets for another translators. And push master.