Tatsu-syo / noMeiryoUI

No!! MeiryoUI is Windows system font setting tool on Windows 8.1/10/11.
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Suggest to adjust icon spacings #85

Open anbangli opened 10 months ago

anbangli commented 10 months ago

After we set the fontsize larger than default value (9pt), the icons on desktop seem to be too crowding. That is because the horizontal spacing and vertical spacing between icons did not change correspondingly. I suggest to adjust "IconSpacing" (for horizontal icon spacing) and "IconVerticalSpacing" (for vertical icon spacing) in this program.

The value data for "IconSpacing" and "IconVerticalSpacing" seem to use the following formula: -15 * (spacing between icons in pixels)

For default icon fontsize 9pt, the default value of "IconSpacing" and "IconVerticalSpacing" are -1350 and -1155. I guessed, the value are calculated using the following formulas: IconSpacing = -150 fontsize IconVerticalSpacing = -15 (fontsize * 5 +32)

So, we got the following table: fontsize, IconSpacing, IconVerticalSpacing 10pt, 1500 1230 12pt, 1800 1380 14pt, 2100 1530

Hope this helps.

Tatsu-syo commented 10 months ago

I will check initial icon spacing on Windows 7 and XP virtual machines and older version No!! Meiryo UI on next weekend. I write this answer on Japan 2023-09-10 19:45(JST). And I don't install Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP virtual machine. I must install Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP virtual machine. So, I can research icon spacing on next weekend.