TatsunoriHirai / Melody2vec

Model data of Melody2vec paper (Journal of Information Processing, Vol. 27, 2019)
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Could you upload the codes? #1

Open a43992899 opened 4 years ago

a43992899 commented 4 years ago

I am currently working on a task of composing melody, maybe could apply your melody2vec method.

TatsunoriHirai commented 4 years ago

I can send you the codes via e-mail. Please contact me from here.

wazowazo commented 3 years ago

I'm in a very similar situation as @a43992899 (composing just melody). I'm an Argentian freshman (studying Physics in UBA) and I want to know if I can use your code to score de accuaracy of the music a make with your word2vec method. In my code I dont pay atention to the duration of the notes (this my first code, I dont have too much tools thats way I dont study the length of the notes). Thank you very much for your time. I hope you this finds you in good health. Sincerly, Lautaro.