Tau-ri-Dev / Mod-JSG-1.12.2

Just Stargate Mod for Minecraft (1.12.2)
33 stars 21 forks source link

(1.12.2) Cascading world generation #340

Open Sutika01 opened 1 month ago

Sutika01 commented 1 month ago

This bug is happening when I create a 1.12.2 minecraft forge server and start exploring a little bit and the server generates a stargate structure, it fills the log and causes a lot of lag that can kick you out of the server and even "kill" the server it self.

To Reproduce Just make a forge server with the just stargate mod and start going any direction

Mod version jsg-1.12.2- Forge- Server Log debug.log

Fredyman95 commented 1 month ago

Server specifications?

Sutika01 commented 1 month ago

In my batch file I'm using these arguments: Xmx8G Xms2G and I'm running this on my own computer

Sutika01 commented 1 month ago

A friend tried to run it as well, but got the same error, here are his specifications (top one CPU, bottom is the RAM), and a video of the occurance. image https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7lz84lgjvadq4fod88i9f/Test.mp4?rlkey=nxfhjsjv5kvesmz20kzfl332x&st=nhl1nitw&dl=0

Fredyman95 commented 1 month ago

Cascading worldgen lag - is common issue on 1.12.2. Lots (most of, actually 99%) of mod that add strucutres generates this message.

Sutika01 commented 1 month ago

I agree completely, but let's say that we are making a modpack for this version, with for example Biomes o plenty, Tetra, and a couple of others in addition to JSG. In this instance, if a cascading worldgen is started by any of these mods, is the only option to avoid this happening again, is to disable half of these mods structure generating properties in the config?

Because if one of the mods starts a cascading worldgen lag, then all of the others are going to join in and lag the server so severely, that it just dies. Even if we only moved 100-200 blocks in a direction.

We tried looking online everywhere for an answer, but either didn't get a solution, or got the suggestion to take it up with the mod's developers.