TaureHorn / FoundryVTT_ChatConsole

A module for FoundryVTT to render chat windows stylised to look like an instant messenger or a terminal console.
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Feature Request: Terminal Simulator #31

Open Kallel181 opened 1 month ago

Kallel181 commented 1 month ago

This feature will enable Game Masters (GMs) to create "virtual computers" within their games, complete with customizable folders and files, allowing for engaging narrative elements and interactive puzzles.

Key Features: Customizable Computer Setup: GMs can configure virtual computers by adding folders and files, setting permissions, and defining interactions. Command Support: Implement support for a variety of common CLI commands such as ls (list files), cd (change directory), cat (display file contents), mkdir (create directory), touch (create file), and more. Interactive Terminal: Players can explore the virtual file system, access files, and execute commands to solve puzzles and gather information. Permissions and Security: Allow GMs to set permissions on files and folders, controlling which players can access or modify specific content within the virtual environment.

Example Use Cases: Interactive Puzzle: Players must navigate through directories, read files, and execute commands to unlock clues or progress through a puzzle. Information Retrieval: Players can access a virtual computer terminal to gather lore, read diaries, or obtain quest objectives stored within text files.

TaureHorn commented 1 month ago

Like this basically? But in foundry.

Kallel181 commented 1 month ago

Like this basically? But in foundry.


TaureHorn commented 1 month ago

I knew this feature request was gonna happen sooner or later.

I'll be honest. To build the basics of a unix terminal into foundry is kinda insane. Not entirely in a bad way, but it'd be a hell of a lot of work. That said, as per the thing I linked, I've done it before just not in foundry. So, not completely unfeasible.

Short answer is no, don't hope for this feature. I just a heck of a lot of work that I don't want to commit to. If I can think of a way to do this that won't take at least two months I might give it a go. Even if, it'd be a while.