Tautulli / Tautulli-Issues

Bug reports for Tautulli
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Log view stops working #145

Open JamminR opened 6 years ago

JamminR commented 6 years ago

Version: Version v2.1.25 Branch: beta Commit hash: 56a91de2c4ff0fdd8fbdff4dd7d7677bd16a4b28 Operating system:

Windows 10 (10.0.17134) **Python version:** 2.7.14 (v2.7.14:84471935ed, Sep 16 2017, 20:25:58) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] **What you did?** Attempted to view Tautulli log using Tautulli while logged in as admin **What happened?** No results, and a jquery error was added to the tautulli log `2018-11-27 17:15:08 - ERROR :: CP Server Thread-14 : WebUI :: /logs : TypeError: 'createCaption' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLTableElement.. (jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4)` **What you expected?** the Tautulli log to display instead of the page area below the header row remaining blank. **How can we reproduce your issue?**

If I stop Tautulli, delete the log, then restart Tautulli, the view capability will work until whatever is causing it to break occurs again. I've tried viewing from multiple machines and multiple browsers with same results. Unsure how to produce as I do not fully understand what is breaking the ability. Perhaps one could try viewing my log (attached and linked) using their own Tautulli with same version as mine. Current log attached, and linked to, was viewable as late as 11/26 in late evening. 1900 hours? I do not remember the exact time I viewed the night of 11/26. On 11/27, at 17:15, I attempted to view the log, and the screen was blank. Restarting Tautulli doesn't fix the issue. I have to delete the log file.

What are your (relevant) settings? I do not run a proxy. I have non-standard ports forwarded on my router straight to my Win10 machine for Tautulli and PMS. A Let'sEncrypt certificate and key is used/loaded by Tautulli. Both PMS and Tautulli run on same machine.

Link to logs: https://gist.github.com/JamminR/c5da85247af2d5d6b224ffd983bfb838 tautulli.log

This issue has occurred somewhat frequently since at least September.

Someone else in the Plex forums whose PMS was injecting odd characters into plex API log also had a similar issue. https://forums.plex.tv/t/tautulli-monitor-your-plex-media-server/225242/946?u=jamminr Even if this were a "Plex is outputting bad characters issue", the log view capability should be able to ignore, reformat, or behave in a way so as to not prevent viewing of additional Tautulli log entry lines.

I tested adding the "broken" tuatulli.log file to my PMS logs directory, then attempting to view in WebTools. It allowed me to view with no apparent issues.

JonnyWong16 commented 6 years ago

I honestly have no idea. I put your log file into my Tautulli and it works perfectly fine.

samwiseg0 commented 6 years ago

Maybe an extension you have in your browser?

When you have the issue do you see the same problem in an incognito window?

JamminR commented 6 years ago

@samwiseg00 - 98% sure not an extension. I see it from two different computers (win10 main rig, and the "Vanilla" win10 box I use as a server. 3 browsers across 2 computers (IE, Edge, Firefox), only one browser of which has any additional extensions

I just tried Firefox safe mode on the PMS machine. Same issue, I tried earlier today bypassing the router. Same issue (Loaded localhost instead of my domain, add a temporary exception since cert didn't match name)

Does the server thread error for jquery in the tautulli log not help any to know what to look for? TypeError: 'createCaption' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLTableElement.. (jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4) It appears in tautulli log anytime I try to access the view from any of my equipment.

Since it only happens after a few days, I theorize it's Plex adding something to the log that jquery doesn't like

Also, using google for that error, I found a similar fetching rows error with History tab that never seemed to get resolved with PlexPy. https://forums.plex.tv/t/plexpy-another-plex-monitoring-program/106910/3652?u=jamminr

JamminR commented 6 years ago

FYI - just updated Tautulli - log still won't load. Version v2.1.26 beta - aa023f016671e78463dd95e8f662cbc6cc712cf0

JamminR commented 6 years ago

4k limit still not fixed in code maybe? https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli-Issues/issues/18#issuecomment-382177414

JonnyWong16 commented 5 years ago

Does erasing lines from the end of the log file eventually get back to it working in the UI? (i.e. keep erasing lines from the end until it works again and that would identify which line in the logs is causing the issue.)

Are you using any of the log level filters, search, table sorting, or changing pages? Maybe some combination of these actions causes it to break.

JamminR commented 5 years ago

Apologies for late reply, non-Plex-related-life has been busy. I'll delete the log in a few and monitor daily. Once I notice it's stopped showing, I'll try what you say.

EDIT - NOT using any sort/search terms. Simply load the logs page and nothing shows after amount of time due to event (time, something in logs, unknown)

JamminR commented 5 years ago

Ok, I'm totally lost as to how to re-create this issue. After 20 days, checking every 2-3 days, I finally found that attempting to view Tautulli logs was stuck, with browser console error as stated, and the page "refreshing tables" or whatever. So, taking your advice, I went in and "cut (into clipboard)" 2 days of line data, then added a line feed. Saved the log file. Went into tautulli and the log loaded in web view. I opened tautulli.log file again, PASTED the data from clipboard that I'd just erased. Saved the log file again. Went BACK into Tautlli web log view and ??? It freaking loaded with no error!!!! This data was what was in clipboard and removed, then re-added, back. https://gist.github.com/JamminR/c5da85247af2d5d6b224ffd983bfb838 I've no idea why removing it, saving log, re-adding it, saving log allowed Tautulli to view the data.

Edit - you can see in the end few lines that even Tautulli is adding the JS error to the log.

JonnyWong16 commented 5 years ago

I still have no idea. I really think it's some issue on your system.

recycleddan commented 5 years ago

I recently started getting the same error when I try to view the History tab. It sits there saying "Fetching rows" but nothing ever happens.

WebUI :: /history : TypeError: 'createCaption' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLTableElement.. (jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4)

Version 2.1.34, running in docker

LINK1733 commented 5 years ago

I'm also getting the same thing. Started a week or so ago. I'm also running Version 2.1.34 in a docker.

2019-09-09 16:01:43 - ERROR :: CP Server Thread-13 : WebUI :: /history : TypeError: 'createCaption' called on an object that does not implement interface HTMLTableElement.. (jquery-2.1.4.min.js:4)

JonnyWong16 commented 5 years ago

Please do not post unrelated support issues in a bug report. This has literally been answered in every support channel. Github Issues are not a support channel.


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