Tautulli / Tautulli-Issues

Bug reports for Tautulli
18 stars 3 forks source link

yet another database disk image malformed question #177

Closed CRdeGraaf closed 5 years ago

CRdeGraaf commented 5 years ago

After ~900 days of running unattended on my plex server without issue i just lost all this precious viewing data in my install. Noticed after a few weeks that tautulli hasnt been running anymore. error: sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed tried to follow https://github.com/Tautulli/Tautulli-Wiki/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions#general-q18 upon restoring tautulli booted but without any data. all backups have been overwritten by now with this empty image of 20mb, which i suspect happened over the course of this week by looking at the timestamps.

I have no idea what the cause might have been as its been running unattended for 3 years other than the occasional windows 10 update and interested peek in viewer statistics. I switched computer systems but that was way before. The server reboots every sundaynight and tautulli starts through task scheduler: "C:\Python27\pythonw.exe" "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\PlexPy.py" running as local user, delayed by 2 minutes, repeated if fails.

i suspect on boot the backup is made before the integrity check, making the backups obsolete for people who dont look at tautulli daily. could this be the case? i wanted to point it out nonetheless as to me its seemingly coming out of nowhere.

pragma integrity check returns: in database main Main freelist: freelist leaf count too big on page 20839 On tree page 2 cell 1: overflow list length is 1 but should be 6 On tree page 4656 cell 1: 2nd reference to page 4657 Page 20743 is never used Page 20766 is never used Page 20799 is never used Page 20819 is never used Page 20824 is never used Page 20838 is never used Page 20840 is never used Page 20841 is never used Page 20843 is never used Page 20845 is never used

full log: https://gist.github.com/CRdeGraaf/36f6cf181eda0e3d6551e53953a2c169 there is about 5 more log files with the same errors within 5 days just repeating these 4 lines: ress, grandparent_thumb, video_framerate, transcode_hw_encoding, stream_video_decision, transcode_protocol, media_index, stream_video_height, stream_subtitle_decision, video_bitrate, synced_version_profile, original_title, stream_video_bitrate, session_id, live_uuid, stream_subtitle_codec, stopped, parent_thumb, stream_audio_codec, stream_audio_bitrate, grandparent_title, video_codec, parent_media_index, machine_id, width, audio_bitrate, session_key, rating_key) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) :: database disk image is malformed 2019-04-05 22:57:44 - ERROR :: Thread-3 : Tautulli WebSocket :: Failed to process session data: database disk image is malformed. 2019-04-05 22:57:44 - DEBUG :: Thread-3 : Tautulli ActivityHandler :: Session 5 started by user 17147185 (xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xx) with ratingKey 97190 (Modern Family - A Sketchy Area). 2019-04-05 22:57:44 - ERROR :: Thread-3 : Tautulli Database :: Fatal Error executing INSERT INTO sessions (stream_video_codec, transcode_width, stream_video_resolution, video_height, stream_video_width, friendly_name, year, subtitle_codec, height, stream_bitrate, player, optimized_version, parent_rating_key, audio_codec, parent_title, duration, session_key, subtitles, rating_key, transcode_video_codec, transcode_key, optimized_version_title, stream_audio_channels, user_id, thumb, title, bitrate, live, quality_profile, synced_version, transcode_audio_channels, video_decision, platform, state, transcode_height, transcode_container, transcode_hw_decoding, stream_video_framerate, media_type, video_resolution, grandparent_rating_key, stream_audio_decision, stream_container, transcode_audio_codec, product, audio_channels, view_offset, optimized_version_profile, section_id, stream_container_decision, aspect_ratio, full_title, user, raw_stream_info, audio_decision, transcode_decision, container, video_width, ip_add

on manual execute:

D:\Program Files\Tautulli>python tautulli.py 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Tautulli v2.1.22 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Windows 10 (10.0.17134) 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Python 2.7.15 (v2.7.15:ca079a3ea3, Apr 30 2018, 16:30:26) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Program Dir: D:\Program Files\Tautulli 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Config File: D:\Program Files\Tautulli\config.ini 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Database File: D:\Program Files\Tautulli\tautulli.db 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if the database upgrades are required... 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Checking if configuration upgrades are required... 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - INFO :: MainThread : Retrieving latest version information from GitHub 2019-05-15 11:19:55 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/commits/master 2019-05-15 11:19:56 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Latest version is 2635569e765e5817400ed1032a27bfc850242f6a 2019-05-15 11:19:56 - INFO :: MainThread : Comparing currently installed version with latest GitHub version 2019-05-15 11:19:56 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Requesting URL via GET method: https://api.github.com/repos/Tautulli/Tautulli/compare/2635569e765e5817400ed1032a27bfc850242f6a...None 2019-05-15 11:19:57 - INFO :: MainThread : Cannot compare versions. Are you running a local development version? 2019-05-15 11:19:57 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli is up to date 2019-05-15 11:19:57 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Requesting resources for server... 2019-05-15 11:19:58 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli PlexTV :: Server URL retrieved. 2019-05-15 11:19:58 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Config :: Writing configuration to file 2019-05-15 11:19:58 - INFO :: MainThread : Tautulli Users :: Requesting users list refresh... 2019-05-15 11:19:59 - ERROR :: MainThread : Tautulli Database :: Fatal Error executing INSERT INTO users (username, filter_movies, is_admin, server_token, filter_music, custom_avatar_url, thumb, shared_libraries, filter_all, is_allow_sync, filter_photos, filter_tv, is_restricted, is_home_user, email, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) :: database disk image is malformed 2019-05-15 11:19:59 - ERROR :: MainThread : Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "tautulli.py", line 271, in main() File "tautulli.py", line 200, in main plexpy.initialize(config_file) File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy__init__.py", line 287, in initialize users.refresh_users() File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy\users.py", line 59, in refresh_users monitor_db.upsert('users', item, keys_dict) File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy\database.py", line 200, in upsert self.action(insert_query, value_dict.values() + key_dict.values()) File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy\database.py", line 144, in action sql_result = c.execute(query, args) DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed

Traceback (most recent call last): File "tautulli.py", line 271, in main() File "tautulli.py", line 200, in main plexpy.initialize(config_file) File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy__init__.py", line 287, in initialize users.refresh_users() File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy\users.py", line 59, in refresh_users monitor_db.upsert('users', item, keys_dict) File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy\database.py", line 200, in upsert self.action(insert_query, value_dict.values() + key_dict.values()) File "D:\Program Files\Tautulli\plexpy\database.py", line 144, in action sql_result = c.execute(query, args) sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed

D:\Program Files\Tautulli>

Version: Tautulli v2.1.22 Branch:

Commit hash:

Operating system: Windows 10 (10.0.17134)

Python version: Python 2.7.15 What you did? auto start through task scheduler What happened? sqlite3.DatabaseError: database disk image is malformed What you expected? it to boot with my viewing data in tact How can we reproduce your issue? i wouldnt know how, i can share the broken db backups?

What are your (relevant) settings? [IFTTT] ifttt_on_stop = 0 ifttt_on_pause = 0 ifttt_key = "" ifttt_on_concurrent = 0 ifttt_on_created = 0 ifttt_on_buffer = 0 ifttt_enabled = 0 ifttt_on_pmsupdate = 0 ifttt_on_newdevice = 0 ifttt_on_intdown = 0 ifttt_on_extup = 0 ifttt_on_intup = 0 ifttt_on_resume = 0 ifttt_on_watched = 0 ifttt_event = tautulli ifttt_on_extdown = 0 ifttt_on_play = 0 [Growl] growl_enabled = 0 growl_on_play = 0 growl_on_stop = 0 growl_on_buffer = 0 growl_on_pause = 0 growl_on_intdown = 0 growl_host = "" growl_on_extup = 0 growl_on_newdevice = 0 growl_on_pmsupdate = 0 growl_password = "" growl_on_resume = 0 growl_on_created = 0 growl_on_concurrent = 0 growl_on_watched = 0 growl_on_intup = 0 growl_on_extdown = 0 [PMS] pms_use_bif = 0 pms_uuid = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pms_url_manual = 0 pms_web_url = https://app.plex.tv/desktop pms_url = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pms_update_channel = plex pms_update_distro = english pms_name = CR Server pms_logs_folder = "" pms_plexpass = 1 pms_token = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pms_url_override = "" pms_port = 32400 pms_is_remote = 0 pms_identifier = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx pms_ssl = 1 pms_version = pms_update_distro_build = windows-i386 pms_ip = pms_logs_line_cap = 1000 pms_platform = Windows pms_is_cloud = 0 [Monitoring] notify_upload_posters = 0 movie_notify_enable = 0 notify_on_resume_body_text = {user} ({player}) has resumed {title}. notify_on_pmsupdate_body_text = An update is available for the Plex Media Server (version {update_version}). refresh_libraries_on_startup = 1 notify_on_created_body_text = {title} was recently added to Plex. buffer_wait = 900 notify_on_intup_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_concurrent_by_ip = 0 notify_on_newdevice_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_on_extup_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_on_watched_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_on_pause_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_on_extup_body_text = The Plex Media Server remote access is back up. tv_watched_percent = 85 notify_on_watched_body_text = {user} ({player}) has watched {title}. music_notify_on_pause = 0 notify_group_recently_added_grandparent = 0 notify_on_start_body_text = {user} ({player}) started playing {title}. notify_on_pause_body_text = {user} ({player}) has paused {title}. notify_on_buffer_body_text = {user} ({player}) is buffering {title}. music_notify_on_stop = 0 notify_recently_added_upgrade = 0 tv_notify_on_stop = 0 notify_on_stop_body_text = {user} ({player}) has stopped {title}. notify_on_created_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_on_extdown_body_text = The Plex Media Server remote access is down. notify_scripts_args_text = "" music_logging_enable = 1 movie_notify_on_stop = 0 notify_watched_percent = 85 notify_group_recently_added = 0 notify_on_concurrent_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_on_concurrent_body_text = {user} has {user_streams} concurrent streams. tv_logging_enable = 1 notify_group_recently_added_parent = 0 tv_notify_enable = 0 notify_recently_added_delay = 60 notify_on_intdown_body_text = The Plex Media Server is down. video_logging_enable = 1 logging_ignore_interval = 120 notify_on_newdevice_body_text = {user} is streaming from a new device: {player}. refresh_users_interval = 12 monitoring_use_websocket = 1 monitor_pms_updates = 0 notify_on_start_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_recently_added = 0 notify_on_pmsupdate_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) music_notify_enable = 0 movie_notify_on_start = 1 refresh_users_on_startup = 1 buffer_threshold = 3 notify_on_extdown_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) refresh_libraries_interval = 12 tv_notify_on_start = 1 notify_recently_added_grandparent = 0 notify_on_resume_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) notify_concurrent_threshold = 2 notify_on_stop_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) movie_notify_on_pause = 0 notify_consecutive = 0 movie_logging_enable = 1 notify_on_intup_body_text = The Plex Media Server is back up. notify_on_intdown_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) music_notify_on_start = 1 tv_notify_on_pause = 0 monitor_remote_access = 0 imgur_client_id = "" movie_watched_percent = 85 monitoring_interval = 60 music_watched_percent = 85 notify_on_buffer_subject_text = Tautulli ({server_name}) [General] week_start_monday = 0 git_token = "" home_stats_cards = top_movies, popular_movies, top_tv, popular_tv, top_music, popular_music, last_watched, top_users, top_platforms, most_concurrent backup_interval = 6 graph_days = 1000 graph_type = duration http_plex_admin = 0 get_file_sizes = 0 http_basic_auth = 0 api_sql = 0 update_show_changelog = 0 http_root = "" http_proxy = 0 freeze_db = 0 show_advanced_settings = 0 ip_logging_enable = 0 launch_browser = 0 http_username = "" git_remote = origin https_create_cert = 0 do_not_override_git_branch = 0 home_stats_length = 900 http_host = https_cert_chain = "" first_run_complete = 1 git_repo = Tautulli home_stats_recently_added_count = 50 enable_https = 0 check_github = 1 api_enabled = 1 git_path = "" themoviedb_apikey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx tvmaze_lookup = 0 check_github_interval = 360 https_ip = update_notifiers_db = 0 group_history_tables = 1 https_domain = localhost graph_tab = tabs-1 geoip_db = "" http_password = "" home_stats_count = 5 backup_dir = D:\Program Files\Tautulli\backups git_user = Tautulli interface = default cache_images = 1 log_blacklist = 1 graph_months = 12 themoviedb_lookup = 0 cleanup_files = 0 plexpy_auto_update = 0 check_github_on_startup = 1 http_port = 18295 log_dir = D:\Program Files\Tautulli\logs update_db_interval = 24 allow_guest_access = 0 time_format = HH:mm cache_dir = D:\Program Files\Tautulli\cache home_sections = current_activity, watch_stats, library_stats, recently_added backup_days = 3 https_cert = D:\Program Files\Tautulli\server.crt home_refresh_interval = 10 api_key = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx win_sys_tray = 1 update_section_ids = 1 date_format = YYYY-MM-DD update_labels = 1 home_stats_type = 0 update_libraries_db_notify = 0 http_environment = production history_table_activity = 1 http_base_url = "" https_key = D:\Program Files\Tautulli\server.key http_hash_password = 0 home_library_cards = 6, 10, 14, 15, 1, 16, 16, 6, 10, 14, 15, 1 http_hashed_password = 0 git_branch = master anon_redirect = https://www.nullrefer.com/? [[get_file_sizes_hold]] section_ids = , rating_keys = , [Slack] slack_on_stop = 0 slack_on_watched = 0 slack_on_extup = 0 slack_on_resume = 0 slack_hook = "" slack_incl_subject = 1 slack_on_pmsupdate = 0 slack_channel = "" slack_on_buffer = 0 slack_on_extdown = 0 slack_username = "" slack_incl_pmslink = 0 slack_enabled = 0 slack_incl_poster = 0 slack_on_pause = 0 slack_on_concurrent = 0 slack_on_intup = 0 slack_on_intdown = 0 slack_on_created = 0 slack_on_play = 0 slack_on_newdevice = 0 slack_icon_emoji = "" [Boxcar] boxcar_sound = "" boxcar_on_newdevice = 0 boxcar_on_watched = 0 boxcar_on_buffer = 0 boxcar_on_stop = 0 boxcar_on_extdown = 0 boxcar_on_pmsupdate = 0 boxcar_on_intdown = 0 boxcar_on_pause = 0 boxcar_on_play = 0 boxcar_on_created = 0 boxcar_on_intup = 0 boxcar_on_resume = 0 boxcar_on_concurrent = 0 boxcar_enabled = 0 boxcar_on_extup = 0 boxcar_token = "" [PushBullet] pushbullet_on_play = 0 pushbullet_channel_tag = "" pushbullet_on_pmsupdate = 0 pushbullet_on_buffer = 0 pushbullet_apikey = "" pushbullet_on_resume = 0 pushbullet_on_concurrent = 0 pushbullet_on_created = 0 pushbullet_on_pause = 0 pushbullet_on_extdown = 0 pushbullet_on_stop = 0 pushbullet_on_extup = 0 pushbullet_enabled = 0 pushbullet_on_watched = 0 pushbullet_on_intdown = 0 pushbullet_deviceid = "" pushbullet_on_intup = 0 pushbullet_on_newdevice = 0 [Scripts] scripts_on_newdevice = 0 scripts_on_extdown_script = "" scripts_on_intup_script = "" scripts_on_stop = 0 scripts_on_intdown_script = "" scripts_on_intdown = 0 scripts_on_newdevice_script = "" scripts_folder = "" scripts_on_pmsupdate = 0 scripts_on_buffer = 0 scripts_on_concurrent = 0 scripts_on_resume = 0 scripts_on_extup = 0 scripts_on_play_script = "" scripts_on_created_script = "" scripts_on_pmsupdate_script = "" scripts_on_resume_script = "" scripts_on_stop_script = "" scripts_on_watched_script = "" scripts_enabled = 0 scripts_on_extup_script = "" scripts_on_extdown = 0 scripts_on_created = 0 scripts_on_concurrent_script = "" scripts_on_pause_script = "" scripts_on_pause = 0 scripts_on_intup = 0 scripts_timeout = 30 scripts_on_watched = 0 scripts_on_buffer_script = "" scripts_on_play = 0 [OSX_Notify] osx_notify_on_pause = 0 osx_notify_on_intdown = 0 osx_notify_on_buffer = 0 osx_notify_app = /Applications/Tautulli osx_notify_on_created = 0 osx_notify_on_pmsupdate = 0 osx_notify_on_stop = 0 osx_notify_enabled = 0 osx_notify_on_intup = 0 osx_notify_on_watched = 0 osx_notify_on_concurrent = 0 osx_notify_on_newdevice = 0 osx_notify_on_play = 0 osx_notify_on_extdown = 0 osx_notify_on_extup = 0 osx_notify_on_resume = 0 [NMA] nma_on_pmsupdate = 0 nma_priority = 0 nma_on_intdown = 0 nma_on_buffer = 0 nma_on_play = 0 nma_on_newdevice = 0 nma_on_concurrent = 0 nma_on_resume = 0 nma_on_watched = 0 nma_apikey = "" nma_on_intup = 0 nma_on_stop = 0 nma_on_created = 0 nma_on_pause = 0 nma_enabled = 0 nma_on_extdown = 0 nma_on_extup = 0 [Hipchat] hipchat_emoticon = "" hipchat_incl_subject = 1 hipchat_on_extdown = 0 hipchat_on_intup = 0 hipchat_enabled = 0 hipchat_on_created = 0 hipchat_on_newdevice = 0 hipchat_on_play = 0 hipchat_on_resume = 0 hipchat_on_buffer = 0 hipchat_incl_poster = 0 hipchat_on_watched = 0 hipchat_color = "" hipchat_on_concurrent = 0 hipchat_url = "" hipchat_on_pmsupdate = 0 hipchat_on_extup = 0 hipchat_incl_pmslink = 0 hipchat_on_pause = 0 hipchat_on_intdown = 0 hipchat_on_stop = 0 [Pushalot] pushalot_apikey = "" pushalot_on_pmsupdate = 0 pushalot_enabled = 0 pushalot_on_extdown = 0 pushalot_on_created = 0 pushalot_on_pause = 0 pushalot_on_stop = 0 pushalot_on_buffer = 0 pushalot_on_intup = 0 pushalot_on_concurrent = 0 pushalot_on_newdevice = 0 pushalot_on_watched = 0 pushalot_on_play = 0 pushalot_on_extup = 0 pushalot_on_intdown = 0 pushalot_on_resume = 0 [Prowl] prowl_on_created = 0 prowl_on_play = 0 prowl_on_extdown = 0 prowl_on_pause = 0 prowl_on_intdown = 0 prowl_on_intup = 0 prowl_enabled = 0 prowl_priority = 0 prowl_on_pmsupdate = 0 prowl_on_newdevice = 0 prowl_on_extup = 0 prowl_on_watched = 0 prowl_on_buffer = 0 prowl_on_resume = 0 prowl_on_stop = 0 prowl_on_concurrent = 0 prowl_keys = "" [Advanced] verify_ssl_cert = 1 session_db_write_attempts = 5 system_analytics = 1 journal_mode = wal notification_threads = 2 remote_access_ping_threshold = 3 websocket_connection_timeout = 5 config_version = 11 metadata_cache_seconds = 1800 pms_timeout = 15 websocket_monitor_ping_pong = 0 websocket_connection_attempts = 5 jwt_secret = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cache_sizemb = 32 [Facebook] facebook_app_secret = "" facebook_on_stop = 0 facebook_token = "" facebook_on_buffer = 0 facebook_on_play = 0 facebook_enabled = 0 facebook_on_intup = 0 facebook_incl_poster = 0 facebook_on_pmsupdate = 0 facebook_on_intdown = 0 facebook_on_extup = 0 facebook_on_resume = 0 facebook_on_concurrent = 0 facebook_on_extdown = 0 facebook_group = "" facebook_on_pause = 0 facebook_app_id = "" facebook_incl_pmslink = 0 facebook_on_newdevice = 0 facebook_on_watched = 0 facebook_redirect_uri = "" facebook_incl_subject = 1 facebook_on_created = 0 [Email] email_from_name = Tautulli email_bcc = "" email_on_pause = 0 email_smtp_password = "" email_tls = 0 email_smtp_port = 25 email_on_watched = 0 email_smtp_server = "" email_on_intdown = 0 email_on_concurrent = 0 email_on_intup = 0 email_enabled = 0 email_on_buffer = 0 email_on_resume = 0 email_smtp_user = "" email_cc = "" email_on_newdevice = 0 email_on_stop = 0 email_on_extdown = 0 email_html_support = 1 email_on_extup = 0 email_on_created = 0 email_on_pmsupdate = 0 email_to = "" email_from = "" email_on_play = 0 [PlexWatch] grouping_user_history = 0 plexwatch_database = "" grouping_global_history = 0 grouping_charts = 0 [Pushover] pushover_enabled = 0 pushover_on_extup = 0 pushover_on_intup = 0 pushover_on_buffer = 0 pushover_html_support = 1 pushover_keys = "" pushover_incl_url = 1 pushover_on_pause = 0 pushover_on_play = 0 pushover_on_stop = 0 pushover_apitoken = "" pushover_incl_pmslink = 0 pushover_on_pmsupdate = 0 pushover_on_extdown = 0 pushover_priority = 0 pushover_on_intdown = 0 pushover_on_newdevice = 0 pushover_sound = "" pushover_on_created = 0 pushover_on_resume = 0 pushover_on_concurrent = 0 pushover_on_watched = 0 [Telegram] telegram_on_buffer = 0 telegram_bot_token = "" telegram_incl_poster = 0 telegram_on_resume = 0 telegram_on_pmsupdate = 0 telegram_html_support = 1 telegram_incl_subject = 1 telegram_disable_web_preview = 0 telegram_enabled = 0 telegram_on_concurrent = 0 telegram_on_intdown = 0 telegram_on_extdown = 0 telegram_on_pause = 0 telegram_on_newdevice = 0 telegram_on_watched = 0 telegram_on_stop = 0 telegram_on_play = 0 telegram_on_created = 0 telegram_on_extup = 0 telegram_chat_id = "" telegram_on_intup = 0 [Twitter] twitter_on_resume = 0 twitter_on_pmsupdate = 0 twitter_on_buffer = 0 twitter_on_concurrent = 0 twitter_enabled = 0 twitter_on_watched = 0 twitter_access_token = "" twitter_consumer_secret = "" twitter_on_extup = 0 twitter_on_intdown = 0 twitter_on_intup = 0 twitter_access_token_secret = "" twitter_on_newdevice = 0 twitter_on_stop = 0 twitter_consumer_key = "" twitter_incl_subject = 1 twitter_on_extdown = 0 twitter_incl_poster = 0 twitter_on_pause = 0 twitter_on_play = 0 twitter_on_created = 0 [Plex] plex_on_created = 0 plex_on_concurrent = 0 plex_client_host = "" plex_on_stop = 0 plex_on_resume = 0 plex_on_watched = 0 plex_on_play = 0 plex_on_extdown = 0 plex_on_intdown = 0 plex_on_newdevice = 0 plex_enabled = 0 plex_on_buffer = 0 plex_on_intup = 0 plex_on_pmsupdate = 0 plex_username = "" plex_on_pause = 0 plex_password = "" plex_on_extup = 0 [Join] join_on_concurrent = 0 join_on_newdevice = 0 join_deviceid = "" join_on_play = 0 join_on_watched = 0 join_on_resume = 0 join_on_created = 0 join_on_extdown = 0 join_on_intup = 0 join_on_buffer = 0 join_incl_subject = 1 join_enabled = 0 join_on_pause = 0 join_apikey = "" join_on_pmsupdate = 0 join_on_intdown = 0 join_on_extup = 0 join_on_stop = 0 [XBMC] xbmc_password = "" xbmc_on_play = 0 xbmc_on_pause = 0 xbmc_username = "" xbmc_on_extup = 0 xbmc_on_watched = 0 xbmc_on_buffer = 0 xbmc_enabled = 0 xbmc_host = "" xbmc_on_created = 0 xbmc_on_intup = 0 xbmc_on_extdown = 0 xbmc_on_pmsupdate = 0 xbmc_on_stop = 0 xbmc_on_newdevice = 0 xbmc_on_resume = 0 xbmc_on_intdown = 0 xbmc_on_concurrent = 0 [Newsletter] newsletter_dir = D:\Program Files\Tautulli\newsletters newsletter_static_url = 0 newsletter_templates = newsletters newsletter_self_hosted = 0 newsletter_inline_styles = 0 newsletter_password = "" newsletter_custom_dir = "" newsletter_auth = 0 [Browser] browser_on_intdown = 0 browser_on_newdevice = 0 browser_on_pmsupdate = 0 browser_on_intup = 0 browser_on_buffer = 0 browser_auto_hide_delay = 5 browser_on_created = 0 browser_on_pause = 0 browser_on_stop = 0 browser_on_play = 0 browser_on_watched = 0 browser_on_extdown = 0 browser_on_extup = 0 browser_on_resume = 0 browser_on_concurrent = 0 browser_enabled = 0 [Cloudinary] cloudinary_api_key = "" cloudinary_cloud_name = "" cloudinary_api_secret = ""

Link to logs: https://gist.github.com/CRdeGraaf/36f6cf181eda0e3d6551e53953a2c169

CRdeGraaf commented 5 years ago

my thought process was wrong. the database showed empty after multiple tries to restore it. db browser for sqlite didnt show anything and when export-importing the file into a new db tautulli also didnt show my data. i used another tool (sqlite forensic browser). and for some reason that tool does show the tables. it costs money so im looking for a tool to do it for free before comitting to it. but at least the data is not gone. just corrupted :)

this solved my issue completely. i suggest this solution be added to the FAQ. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44602759/sqlite3-recreates-empty-database-from-dump-file

image of what i did (change ROLLBACK to COMMIT before loading the sql file): image

-- issue can be closed