Tavmant / jquery-datatables-column-filter

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/jquery-datatables-column-filter
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add iMaxLengt to allow custom input size #48

Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
* File:        jquery.dataTables.columnFilter.js
* Version:     1.4.1.
* Author:      Jovan Popovic 
* Copyright 2011 Jovan Popovic, all rights reserved.
* This source file is free software, under either the GPL v2 license or a
* BSD style license, as supplied with this software.
* This source file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
* Parameters:"
* @sPlaceHolder                 String      Place where inline filtering 
function should be placed ("tfoot", "thead:before", "thead:after"). Default is 
* @sRangeSeparator              String      Separator that will be used when 
range values are sent to the server-side. Default value is "~".
* @sRangeFormat                 string      Default format of the From ... to 
... range inputs. Default is From {from} to {to}
* @aoColumns                    Array       Array of the filter settings that 
will be applied on the columns
(function ($) {

    $.fn.columnFilter = function (options) {

        var asInitVals, i, label, th;

        //var sTableId = "table";
        var sRangeFormat = "From {from} to {to}";
        //Array of the functions that will override sSearch_ parameters
        var afnSearch_ = new Array();
        var aiCustomSearch_Indexes = new Array();

        var oFunctionTimeout = null;

        var fnOnFiltered = function () { };

        function _fnGetColumnValues(oSettings, iColumn, bUnique, bFiltered, bIgnoreEmpty) {
            ///Return values in the column
            ///<param name="oSettings" type="Object">DataTables settings</param>
            ///<param name="iColumn" type="int">Id of the column</param>
            ///<param name="bUnique" type="bool">Return only distinct values</param>
            ///<param name="bFiltered" type="bool">Return values only from the filtered rows</param>
            ///<param name="bIgnoreEmpty" type="bool">Ignore empty cells</param>

            // check that we have a column id
            if (typeof iColumn == "undefined") return new Array();

            // by default we only wany unique data
            if (typeof bUnique == "undefined") bUnique = true;

            // by default we do want to only look at filtered data
            if (typeof bFiltered == "undefined") bFiltered = true;

            // by default we do not wany to include empty values
            if (typeof bIgnoreEmpty == "undefined") bIgnoreEmpty = true;

            // list of rows which we're going to loop through
            var aiRows;

            // use only filtered rows
            if (bFiltered == true) aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplay;
            // use all rows
            else aiRows = oSettings.aiDisplayMaster; // all row numbers

            // set up data array    
            var asResultData = new Array();

            for (var i = 0, c = aiRows.length; i < c; i++) {
                iRow = aiRows[i];
                var aData = oTable.fnGetData(iRow);
                var sValue = aData[iColumn];

                // ignore empty values?
                if (bIgnoreEmpty == true && sValue.length == 0) continue;

                // ignore unique values?
                else if (bUnique == true && jQuery.inArray(sValue, asResultData) > -1) continue;

                // else push the value onto the result data array
                else asResultData.push(sValue);

            return asResultData;

        function _fnColumnIndex(iColumnIndex) {
            if (properties.bUseColVis)
                return iColumnIndex;
                return oTable.fnSettings().oApi._fnVisibleToColumnIndex(oTable.fnSettings(), iColumnIndex);
            //return iColumnIndex;
            //return oTable.fnSettings().oApi._fnColumnIndexToVisible(oTable.fnSettings(), iColumnIndex);

        function fnCreateInput(oTable, regex, smart, bIsNumber, iFilterLength, iSize) {
            var sCSSClass = "text_filter";
            if (bIsNumber)
                sCSSClass = "number_filter";

            label = label.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, "");
            var currentFilter = oTable.fnSettings().aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch;
            var search_init = 'search_init ';
            var inputvalue = label;
            if(currentFilter != '' && currentFilter != '^') {
            if(bIsNumber && currentFilter.charAt(0) == '^')
                inputvalue = currentFilter.substr(1); //ignore trailing ^
                    inputvalue = currentFilter;
                search_init = '';

            var input = $('<input type="text" size="'+iSize+'" class="' + search_init + sCSSClass + '" value="' + inputvalue + '"/>');
            if (bIsNumber)
                th.wrapInner('<span class="filter_column filter_number" />');
                th.wrapInner('<span class="filter_column filter_text" />');
            asInitVals[i] = label;
            var index = i;

            if (bIsNumber && !oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bServerSide) {
                input.keyup(function () {
                    /* Filter on the column all numbers that starts with the entered value */
                    oTable.fnFilter('^' + this.value, _fnColumnIndex(index), true, false);//Issue 37
            } else {
                input.keyup(function () {
                    if(oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bServerSide && iFilterLength!=0) {
                //If filter length is set in the server-side processing mode
                //Check has the user entered at least iFilterLength new characters

                        var currentFilter = oTable.fnSettings().aoPreSearchCols[index].sSearch;
                        var iLastFilterLength = $(this).data("dt-iLastFilterLength");
                if(typeof iLastFilterLength == "undefined")
                    iLastFilterLength = 0;
                var iCurrentFilterLength = this.value.length;
                if( Math.abs(iCurrentFilterLength - iLastFilterLength) < iFilterLength
                    //&& currentFilter.length == 0 //Why this?
                    //Cancel the filtering
                    //Remember the current filter length
                    $(this).data("dt-iLastFilterLength", iCurrentFilterLength );    
                    /* Filter on the column (the index) of this element */
                    oTable.fnFilter(this.value, _fnColumnIndex(index), regex, smart);//Issue 37

            input.focus(function () {
                if ($(this).hasClass("search_init")) {
                    this.value = "";
            input.blur(function () {
                if (this.value == "") {
                    this.value = asInitVals[index];

        function fnCreateRangeInput(oTable) {

            var sFromId = oTable.attr("id") + '_range_from_' + i;
            var from = $('<input type="text" class="number_range_filter" id="' + sFromId + '" rel="' + i + '"/>');
            var sToId = oTable.attr("id") + '_range_to_' + i;
            var to = $('<input type="text" class="number_range_filter" id="' + sToId + '" rel="' + i + '"/>');
            th.wrapInner('<span class="filterColumn filter_number_range" />');
            var index = i;

            //------------start range filtering function

            /*  Custom filtering function which will filter data in column four between two values
            *   Author:     Allan Jardine, Modified by Jovan Popovic
            function (oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
                if (oTable.attr("id") != oSettings.sTableId)
                    return true;
                var iMin = document.getElementById(sFromId).value * 1;
                var iMax = document.getElementById(sToId).value * 1;
                var iValue = aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)] == "-" ? 0 : aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)] * 1;
                if (iMin == "" && iMax == "") {
                    return true;
                else if (iMin == "" && iValue <= iMax) {
                    return true;
                else if (iMin <= iValue && "" == iMax) {
                    return true;
                else if (iMin <= iValue && iValue <= iMax) {
                    return true;
                return false;
            //------------end range filtering function

            $('#' + sFromId + ',#' + sToId, th).keyup(function () {

                var iMin = document.getElementById(sFromId).value * 1;
                var iMax = document.getElementById(sToId).value * 1;
                if (iMin != 0 && iMax != 0 && iMin > iMax)



        function fnCreateDateRangeInput(oTable) {
            var sFromId = oTable.attr("id") + '_range_from_' + i;
            var from = $('<input type="text" class="date_range_filter" id="' + sFromId + '" rel="' + i + '"/>');
            var sToId = oTable.attr("id") + '_range_to_' + i;
            var to = $('<input type="text" class="date_range_filter" id="' + sToId + '" rel="' + i + '"/>');
            th.wrapInner('<span class="filterColumn filter_date_range" />');
            var index = i;

            //------------start date range filtering function

            function (oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
                if (oTable.attr("id") != oSettings.sTableId)
                    return true;

                var dStartDate = from.datepicker("getDate");

                var dEndDate = to.datepicker("getDate");

                if (dStartDate == null && dEndDate == null) {
                    return true;

                var dCellDate = null;
                try {
                    if (aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)] == null || aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)] == "")
                        return false;
                    dCellDate = $.datepicker.parseDate($.datepicker.regional[""].dateFormat, aData[_fnColumnIndex(index)]);
                } catch (ex) {
                    return false;
                if (dCellDate == null)
                    return false;

                if (dStartDate == null && dCellDate <= dEndDate) {
                    return true;
                else if (dStartDate <= dCellDate && dEndDate == null) {
                    return true;
                else if (dStartDate <= dCellDate && dCellDate <= dEndDate) {
                    return true;
                return false;
            //------------end date range filtering function

            $('#' + sFromId + ',#' + sToId, th).change(function () {


        function fnCreateColumnSelect(oTable, aData, iColumn, nTh, sLabel) {
            if (aData == null)
                aData = _fnGetColumnValues(oTable.fnSettings(), iColumn, true, false, true);
            var index = iColumn;
            var currentFilter = oTable.fnSettings().aoPreSearchCols[i].sSearch;

            var r = '<select class="search_init select_filter"><option value="" class="search_init">' + sLabel + '</option>';
            var j = 0;
            var iLen = aData.length;
            for (j = 0; j < iLen; j++) {
                if (typeof (aData[j]) != 'object') {
                    var selected = '';
                    if(escape(aData[j]) == currentFilter) selected = 'selected '
                    r += '<option ' + selected + ' value="' + escape(aData[j]) + '">' + aData[j] + '</option>';
                else {
                    var selected = '';
                    if(escape(aData[j].value) == currentFilter) selected = 'selected '
                    r += '<option ' + selected + 'value="' + escape(aData[j].value) + '">' + aData[j].label + '</option>';

            var select = $(r + '</select>');
            nTh.wrapInner('<span class="filterColumn filter_select" />');
            select.change(function () {
                //var val = $(this).val();
                if ($(this).val() != "") {
                } else {
                oTable.fnFilter(unescape($(this).val()), iColumn); //Issue 37

        function fnCreateSelect(oTable, aData) {
            var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();
            if (aData == null && oSettings.sAjaxSource != "" && !oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide) {
                // Add a function to the draw callback, which will check for the Ajax data having 
                // been loaded. Use a closure for the individual column elements that are used to 
                // built the column filter, since 'i' and 'th' (etc) are locally "global".
                    "fn": (function (iColumn, nTh, sLabel) {
                        return function () {
                            // Only rebuild the select on the second draw - i.e. when the Ajax
                            // data has been loaded.
                            if (oSettings.iDraw == 2 && oSettings.sAjaxSource != null && oSettings.sAjaxSource != "" && !oSettings.oFeatures.bServerSide) {
                                return fnCreateColumnSelect(oTable, null, _fnColumnIndex(iColumn), nTh, sLabel); //Issue 37
                    })(i, th, label),
                    "sName": "column_filter_" + i
            // Regardless of the Ajax state, build the select on first pass
            fnCreateColumnSelect(oTable, aData, _fnColumnIndex(i), th, label); //Issue 37

            var fnOnFilteredCurrent = fnOnFiltered;
            fnOnFiltered = function(){
            fnCreateColumnSelect(oTable, aData, i, th, label);


        function fnCreateCheckbox(oTable, aData) {

            if (aData == null)
                aData = _fnGetColumnValues(oTable.fnSettings(), i, true, true, true);
            var index = i;

            var r = '', j, iLen = aData.length;

            //clean the string
            var localLabel = label.replace('%', 'Perc').replace("&", "AND").replace("$", "DOL").replace("£", "STERL").replace("@", "AT").replace(/\s/g, "_");
            localLabel = localLabel.replace(/[^a-zA-Z 0-9]+/g, '');
            //clean the string

            //button label override
            if (properties.sFilterButtonText != null || properties.sFilterButtonText != undefined) {
                labelBtn = properties.sFilterButtonText;
            } else {
                labelBtn = label;

            var relativeDivWidthToggleSize = 10;
            var numRow = 12; //numero di checkbox per colonna
            var numCol = Math.floor(iLen / numRow);
            if (iLen % numRow > 0) {
                numCol = numCol + 1;

            //count how many column should be generated and split the div size
            var divWidth = 100 / numCol - 2;

            var divWidthToggle = relativeDivWidthToggleSize * numCol;

            if (numCol == 1) {
                divWidth = 20;

            var divRowDef = '<div style="float:left; min-width: ' + divWidth + '%; " >';
            var divClose = '</div>';

            var uniqueId = oTable.attr("id") + localLabel;
            var buttonId = "chkBtnOpen" + uniqueId;
            var checkToggleDiv = uniqueId + "-flt-toggle";
            r += '<button id="' + buttonId + '" class="checkbox_filter" > ' + labelBtn + '</button>'; //filter button witch open dialog
            r += '<div id="' + checkToggleDiv + '" '
                + 'title="' + label + '" '
                + 'class="toggle-check ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"  style="width: ' + (divWidthToggle) + '%; " >'; //dialog div
            //r+= '<div align="center" style="margin-top: 5px; "> <button id="'+buttonId+'Reset" class="checkbox_filter" > reset </button> </div>'; //reset button and its div
            r += divRowDef;

            for (j = 0; j < iLen; j++) {

                //if last check close div
                if (j % numRow == 0 && j != 0) {
                    r += divClose + divRowDef;

                //check button
                r += '<input class="search_init checkbox_filter" type="checkbox" id= "' + aData[j] + '" name= "' + localLabel + '" value="' + aData[j] + '" >' + aData[j] + '<br/>';

                var checkbox = $(r);
                th.wrapInner('<span class="filterColumn filter_checkbox" />');
                //on every checkbox selection
                checkbox.change(function () {

                    var search = '';
                    var or = '|'; //var for select checks in 'or' into the regex
                    var resSize = $('input:checkbox[name="' + localLabel + '"]:checked').size();
                    $('input:checkbox[name="' + localLabel + '"]:checked').each(function (index) {

                        //search = search + ' ' + $(this).val();
                        //concatenation for selected checks in or
                        if ((index == 0 && resSize == 1)
                                || (index != 0 && index == resSize - 1)) {
                            or = '';
                        search = search.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
                        search = search + $(this).val() + or;
                        or = '|';


                    for (var jj = 0; jj < iLen; jj++) {
                        if (search != "") {
                            $('#' + aData[jj]).removeClass("search_init");
                        } else {
                            $('#' + aData[jj]).addClass("search_init");

                    //execute search
                    oTable.fnFilter(search, index, true, false);

            //filter button
            $('#' + buttonId).button();
            $('#' + checkToggleDiv).dialog({
                //height: 140,
                autoOpen: false,
                //show: "blind",
                hide: "blind",
                buttons: [{
                    text: "Reset",
                    click: function () {
                        //$('#'+buttonId).removeClass("filter_selected"); //LM remove border if filter selected
                        $('input:checkbox[name="' + localLabel + '"]:checked').each(function (index3) {
                            $(this).attr('checked', false);
                        oTable.fnFilter('', index, true, false);
                        return false;
                                text: "Close",
                                click: function () { $(this).dialog("close"); }

            $('#' + buttonId).click(function () {

                $('#' + checkToggleDiv).dialog('open');
                var target = $(this);
                $('#' + checkToggleDiv).dialog("widget").position({ my: 'top',
                    at: 'bottom',
                    of: target

                return false;

            var fnOnFilteredCurrent = fnOnFiltered;

            fnOnFiltered = function () {
                var target = $('#' + buttonId);
                $('#' + checkToggleDiv).dialog("widget").position({ my: 'top',
                    at: 'bottom',
                    of: target
            $('#'+buttonId).removeClass("filter_selected"); //LM remove border if filter selected
            $('input:checkbox[name="'+localLabel+'"]:checked').each(function(index3) {
            $(this).attr('checked', false);
            oTable.fnFilter('', index, true, false);
            return false;

        function _fnRangeLabelPart(iPlace) {
            switch (iPlace) {
                case 0:
                    return sRangeFormat.substring(0, sRangeFormat.indexOf("{from}"));
                case 1:
                    return sRangeFormat.substring(sRangeFormat.indexOf("{from}") + 6, sRangeFormat.indexOf("{to}"));
                    return sRangeFormat.substring(sRangeFormat.indexOf("{to}") + 4);

        oTable = this;

        var defaults = {
            sPlaceHolder: "foot",
            sRangeSeparator: "~",
            iFilteringDelay: 500,
            aoColumns: null,
            sRangeFormat: "From {from} to {to}"

        properties = $.extend(defaults, options);

        return this.each(function () {

            if (!oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bFilter)
            asInitVals = new Array();
            var sFilterRow = "tfoot tr";
            if (properties.sPlaceHolder == "head:after") {
                var tr = $("thead tr:last", oTable).detach();
                    tr.appendTo($("thead", oTable));
                tr.prependTo($("thead", oTable));
                sFilterRow = "thead tr:last";
            } else if (properties.sPlaceHolder == "head:before") {
                var tr = $("thead tr:first", oTable).detach();
                //tr.attr("id", 1);
                    tr.appendTo($("thead", oTable));
                tr.prependTo($("thead", oTable));
                sFilterRow = "thead tr:first";

            $(sFilterRow + " th", oTable).each(function (index) {
                i = index;
                var aoColumn = { type: "text",
                    bRegex: false,
                    bSmart: true,
                                        iSize: '',
                    iFilterLength: 0
                if (properties.aoColumns != null) {
                    if (properties.aoColumns.length < i || properties.aoColumns[i] == null)
                    aoColumn = properties.aoColumns[i];
                label = $(this).text(); //"Search by " + $(this).text();
                if (aoColumn.sSelector == null)
                    th = $($(this)[0]);
                else {
                    th = $(aoColumn.sSelector);
                    if (th.length == 0)
                        th = $($(this)[0]);

                if (aoColumn != null) {
                    if (aoColumn.sRangeFormat != null)
                        sRangeFormat = aoColumn.sRangeFormat;
                        sRangeFormat = properties.sRangeFormat
                    switch (aoColumn.type) {
                        case "number":
                            fnCreateInput(oTable, true, false, true, aoColumn.iFilterLength, aoColumn.iSize);

                        case "select":
                            fnCreateSelect(oTable, aoColumn.values);
                        case "number-range":
                        case "date-range":
                        case "checkbox":
                            fnCreateCheckbox(oTable, aoColumn.values);
                        case "text":
                            bRegex = (aoColumn.bRegex == null ? false : aoColumn.bRegex);
                            bSmart = (aoColumn.bSmart == null ? false : aoColumn.bSmart);
                            fnCreateInput(oTable, bRegex, bSmart, false, aoColumn.iFilterLength, aoColumn.iSize);


            for (j = 0; j < aiCustomSearch_Indexes.length; j++) {
                //var index = aiCustomSearch_Indexes[j];
                var fnSearch_ = function () {
                    var id = oTable.attr("id");
                    return $("#" + id + "_range_from_" + aiCustomSearch_Indexes[j]).val() + properties.sRangeSeparator + $("#" + id + "_range_to_" + aiCustomSearch_Indexes[j]).val()

            if (oTable.fnSettings().oFeatures.bServerSide) {

                var fnServerDataOriginal = oTable.fnSettings().fnServerData;

                oTable.fnSettings().fnServerData = function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {

                    for (j = 0; j < aiCustomSearch_Indexes.length; j++) {
                        var index = aiCustomSearch_Indexes[j];

                        for (k = 0; k < aoData.length; k++) {
                            if (aoData[k].name == "sSearch_" + index)
                                aoData[k].value = afnSearch_[j]();
                    aoData.push({ "name": "sRangeSeparator", "value": properties.sRangeSeparator });

                    if (fnServerDataOriginal != null) {
                        try {
                            fnServerDataOriginal(sSource, aoData, fnCallback, oTable.fnSettings()); //TODO: See Issue 18
                        } catch (ex) {
                            fnServerDataOriginal(sSource, aoData, fnCallback);
                    else {
                        $.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json) {

                    if (fnServerDataOriginal != null) {
                    if (properties.iDelay != 0) {
                    if (oFunctionTimeout != null)
                    oFunctionTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
                    fnServerDataOriginal(sSource, aoData, fnCallback);
                    }, properties.iDelay);
                    } else {
                    fnServerDataOriginal(sSource, aoData, fnCallback);
                    $.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json) {





Original issue reported on code.google.com by chris.l...@gmail.com on 2 Feb 2012 at 10:37

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago

Original comment by joc...@gmail.com on 12 Feb 2012 at 12:10

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
This will be added to next version with two changes:
1. Attribute in input is maxLegth and not size (see 
2. Property will be called iMaxLength


Original comment by joc...@gmail.com on 12 Feb 2012 at 1:07

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
This is fixed in the latest version of plugin. Please note that parameter is 
iMaxLength and not iSize.


Original comment by joc...@gmail.com on 12 Feb 2012 at 6:34

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
Thanks, I wasn't clear.  Attached the fix for iSize because
I wanted to control the display size of the input so that a text filter on a 
narrow column wouldn't uneccesarily widen the column.  Referring to this 


Having access to set both is useful!

Original comment by chris.l...@gmail.com on 12 Feb 2012 at 7:17