TawfikDaim / home_automation

home automation user stories
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old backup Docker backups #31

Open TawfikDaim opened 5 months ago

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

details steps in comments below

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago
  1. Install UTM, setup a new VM to be host network and using home assistant vdo iso file
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago
  1. login to homeassistant e.g. and assign a static IP address from Network setting in home assistant Activity
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago
  1. Ngnx and duckdns https://youtu.be/bADNTSF4Fh4

    port forwarding First router will only allow port 443 to the IP of second router (


  Second router will allow both 433 and 8123 (since this router is already local) to the IP of VM of homeassistant

  tested when from outside and inside

  use_x_forwarded_for: true
  ip_ban_enabled: true
  login_attempts_threshold: 5
  IP ban is not working as it automatically blocks local IPs ??
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago
  1. enable advanced I then enabled advanced mode from profile in home assistant
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

install VSC, Samba share, SSH and HACS

Hacs only worked for me when I used wget -O - http://get.hacs.xyz | bash - instead of wget -O - https://get.hacs.xyz | bash - after getting timeout error


TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

install Sonoff (Alex integration with Sonoff devices using EWLINK) (Without using HACS)

  1. manually copy sonoff folder from latest release to custom_components folder in your config folder.
  2. restart home assistant and clear cache
  3. add integration - > search for Sonoff - login using EWlink credentials
  4. Warning; login from one account will logout teh other account so I can't have 2 home assistant using same EWink account at the same time. Configuration > Integrations > Add Integration > Sonoff

If the integration is not in the list, you need to clear the browser cache.

You can setup multiple integrations with different ewelink accounts.

Important. If you use the same account in different smart home systems, you will be constantly unlogged from everywhere. In this case, you need to create a second ewelink account and share your devices or home with it.

5.Preventing DB size growth Pow devices may send a lot of data every second. You can reduce the amount of processed data.

    For multi-channel devices use power_1, current_2, etc.
            power: [30, 3600, 1]  # min seconds, max seconds, min delta value
            current: [5, 3600, 0.1]
            voltage: [60, 3600, 5]
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

FLO integration

Water Shutoff devioce frpm Flo by Moen

Just add integration and sign in using FLO credentials (you need to buy the device and set it up using APK on an android device as its not supporting IOS)

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Copy any dahsboard to the new instance It’s a bit more work than a simple button click, but you can copy/paste an entire dashboard using the Edit Dashboard > Raw Configuration editor in the menu.

Issues: åå 1) if theme was not available it will not work and needs to be edited to add an available theme in new home assistant 2) some sonoff devices will come as Switch or Light and if it was used as the different type it must be corrected to work probeperly (good news is that only the identifier switch or light needs to change but the rest of the id remains the same)

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Presence and location detection Use iCloud integration for iPhone assign the person to the device_tracker entity of the iCloud integration

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago


Use person presence in house as a condition for running automations, e.g scenarios

  1. When no one is at home trigger an alarm if any motion sensor inside house detected motion (inside rooms, office)
  2. When no one is at home trigger an alarm if camera sensor inside office detected motion
  3. Greeting when someone has arrived -> send message to Alexa
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Next _ Alexa integration

Alexa, who is home ? Alexa, add item to shopping list

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Automation for detecting movement when a person is away, this can be extended to be a mechanzim to lock home (close all lights excpet Fridge/automation/wifi), close all heating. close water valve at 11PM nightly while no one is at home), also can be used the other way around to open heating in winter when there is anyone home.

alias: Motioneye detected motion in office description: "" trigger:

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Install iCloud3 for tracking iPhone devices

Manual Installation from the iCloud3 Repository Releases Page

  1. Download the icloud3.zip (or icloud3_v3.zip) file from the gcobb321/icloud3_v3 iCloud3 GitHub Repository Releases page here. Selects Assets at the bottom, then the zip file. The file save screen is displayed, select the location on your computer and save the zip file.
  2. Unzip the file into the config/custom_components/icloud3 directory on your Home Assistant server (ex.: Raspberry Pi)
  3. Restart Home Assistant
TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago



TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Tuya Smart Lock



TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Mushroom Cards

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

TT lock


TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Alexa integration is not working as I changed duckDNS on 192,168,1,25 now need to reinstall again on new HA

Shopping List , Amazon Todoist (ON HOLD)

1) install pyscript from Under HACS -> Integrations, select "+", search for pyscript and install it. 2) (https://github.com/custom-components/pyscript/tree/master) 3) Todoist API key (Integrations (todoist.com)) 82977fb625984d1c53a10ee78104ca815d39f180 4) Todoist project ID (when on your Alexa Shopping List project, use the ID at the end of the URL)

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Emulated hue


Amazon Echo example configuration.yaml entry

emulated_hue: type: alexa host_ip: listen_port: 80 expose_by_default: false entities: switch.sonoff_100157b239_1: name: 'Office' hidden: false switch.sonoff_100157b239_2: name: 'Tawfik' hidden: false

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Dashborad and theme

add one section to show each of:

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

Add surevlience section in dashboard to show last 2 shots of each camera when they detected motion, each time record 2 images 2 second apart of each other (taken from same automation used to send to mobile a notification) - * 7 cameras -> 28 pictures


TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago

try https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/huawei_lte/ presence detection from router

TawfikDaim commented 5 months ago


Important update 9 Feb 2024 install motion eye in docker on ubuntu bare metal https://github.com/motioneye-project/motioneye/wiki/Install-In-Docker configuration using following guide, use ch1, use 800*600, disable text overlay and use Pass Through (most other features keep as default) https://groups.google.com/g/motioneye/c/Nr4zs9vz6rY

NOte: How to View Hikvision CCTV Camera on Ubuntu Using Firefox Web Browser https://github.com/kamipakistan/View-Hikvision-CCTV-Camera-on-Ubuntu/blob/main/INSTRUCTIONS.md

OLD from here and below------!!!



