TawfikDaim / home_automation

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6. Motion Eye #50

Open TawfikDaim opened 4 months ago

TawfikDaim commented 4 months ago


Important update 4 March 2024 will have a new VM inside oracle Virtual station and with ubuntu 20.02 LTS, create this with Bridged Network

Important update 9 Feb 2024 install motion eye in docker on ubuntu bare metal https://github.com/motioneye-project/motioneye/wiki/Install-In-Docker configuration using following guide, use ch1, use 800*600, disable text overlay and use Pass Through (most other features keep as default) https://groups.google.com/g/motioneye/c/Nr4zs9vz6rY

sudo apt install docker.io sudo docker run --name="motioneye" \ -p 8765:8765 \ --hostname="motioneye" \ -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \ -v /etc/motioneye:/etc/motioneye \ -v /var/lib/motioneye:/var/lib/motioneye \ --restart="always" \ --detach=true \ ccrisan/motioneye:master-amd64

install ifconfig to get IP and then... access motion eye:

That should have motion eye ready inside a VM that can be portable

NOte: How to View Hikvision CCTV Camera on Ubuntu Using Firefox Web Browser https://github.com/kamipakistan/View-Hikvision-CCTV-Camera-on-Ubuntu/blob/main/INSTRUCTIONS.md



OLD from here and below------!!!

Setup motion eye, configurig each camer settings below Camera integration, then add each camera by RTSP Image


