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[Blogs] #1 Why websites work better than any other mode of business #26

Open Nikhil0789 opened 5 years ago

Nikhil0789 commented 5 years ago

Why websites work better than any other mode of business With the changing times even the mode of carrying on business has changed and to survive in the current market, one needs to be technologically sound. Presently, websites and mobile phone applications are playing an important role in the growth of economic activities. Whether it’s a cabbie you hire through a mobile application or a cake and some flowers for a friend, most of it is happening online. How to generate income online? The online era brings you some great income generating opportunities and that too from the comfort of your home. You could do two things online, first one is to have your own business that generates income for you. Second one is to promote somebody else’s business on your website and earn a commission on the sales. Starting your own online business is not as difficult as most people think it is. You could get a dealership from some manufacturer and tie up with the right people to source and ship your products and that’s it. Then sit down with your web designer to finalize on the most appropriate front end and back end software to suit your business and extract the relevant info of prospective buyers and get started. Affiliate Marketing to the rescue If you find starting your own business too complicated, then you could do what most people are doing online and that’s helping someone else sell their product. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make some extra bucks and all that you need to do is paste the link given to you on your website. This is given by the person whose products you are going to sell and it helps him track the sale that has been generated through your website. The biggest advantage of starting affiliate marketing for someone else is that you can continue to focus on content and ranking of your website. This is most suitable if you are on a smaller budget and not keen on investing too much on technology and can afford just a basic website. Also it is a great learning process before you start selling your own products or services online. Another thing to note is that if you start affiliate marketing then you can sell for more than one seller depending on the terms of the affiliate marketing agreements that you have entered into. About starting an online business However, if you are keen on starting your own business and building a brand then you must have some patience and dedicate some of your time to learning each day. That’s because the world of internet has something new coming in every now and them, and that could be a new selling strategy for you. When Facebook came up newly with the option for its users to sell online, not many people knew about it. However the ones who did sure made some easy bucks. You’d be surprised to know the various online businesses that have made a fortune. Straight from attorneys to the garage door repair guys, all of them are online. Moreover, some of the online businesses that provide a platform for sellers to sell have made a fortune, for example Amazon and Ebay. However, if you plan to start your own online business or already have a business but no website yet, then here are some benefits of having a website that would make you consider getting one for yourself as soon as possible. Benefits of having a website for your business The big names from any industry like Domino’s, Lufthansa or even the American Cab Company are successful because they have taken their businesses online and that too at the right time. The key to doing successful business is to adapt with the changing time and now is the era of internet and technology. There is no way you cannot be losing out on business if you do not have a website. To give you a glimpse into why a website is so important, we’ve listed down some benefits. Cost-Reduction - Having a website and selling products online can save up a lot of costs for you. Commercial spaces do not come cheap and they never will, and holding up on these expenses until your business reaches a break-even can be quite a task. In fact, that stops a lot of people from starting their own business. However this roadblock can be overcome by creating a website and displaying your products online to reduce your exhibiting and storage costs. Technology has made things cheaper by substituting the commercial space with virtual space. Better presentation of products - Presenting or displaying products to your prospective customers becomes easier as you can add images or a short video of the product along with description and specifications. That makes the entire selling process faster and more convenient. That’s because you don’t have too many queries to resolve and that contributes towards saving manpower and also a lot of time. Accessibility - Imagine sitting in Cayman and uploading images of a new product on you website along with the product’s description and details. This is very much possible once you have a good network of manufacturers and source products through them. You can practically do business from anywhere when you are online and that breaks all the barriers of distances. Also there is no loss of time and that overcomes the possibility of losing business to your competitors. Advertising - It is much easier and cheaper to advertise your business online with a website because then you don’t have to necessarily spend on a tabloid to advertise your products or services. You can do it by tying up with promoters through affiliate marketing. To get organic traffic you could avail the services of a SEO expert and that is a great way to get started with publicizing you online business. Reach out to people who matter - The biggest benefit of online business is that you get to reach out to the right target audiences. That’s not the same with print media or television advertising where you reach out to the masses in general. If you have an online business that sells pen drives then your SEO consultant would design content to draw prospective customers to your website that are searching for a pen drives only. Try Affiliate Marketing - To promote sales you don’t really have to hire a lot of staff anymore. All you need to do is simply tie-up with some website owners and give them a small commission on the sales. Here you don’t have to pay a salary and go through the grind of the formalities that come with it. All you need to do is pay for what is sold. Also you can dictate terms and restrict your affiliates from selling products of sellers selling goods similar to yours. Always check the traffic of the websites or blogs of your prospective affiliates and also the content posted on their webspace and ensure that it is relevant. Reliability - In any kind of business it is extremely important that your customers or prospective customers trust you. Having a website, which is a dedicated webspace talking about your company and listing down FAQs is likely to be more reliable. Also, people like visiting websites that have an interactive section like a chatbot or maybe a place where they could submit their queries and get an answer to it. Always try to have one such section on your ‘Contact Us’ page. Visibility - Having a website definitely increases visibility and that in turn increases your total number of customers. Once you have a website in place, you could then try to make small ‘How To’ videos and post them on YouTube with your website’s link in the description box. You could also pay one of the relevant YouTube channels to publicize your website. Another trick is to advertise on some of the leading websites visited by the prospective buyers of your products or services. Social Networking plug-ins - You could integrate social networking plug-ins on your website such as that of Facebook and Twitter. Instagram’s great too and always add the link to your website on the images or posts that you post on these sites. That helps in spreading the word amongst interested groups and also to update them on the latest products or services that your business has to offer. Organized business - An online business is simple to handle and also quite organized because of technology. You could extract details of all your clients at the click of a button in an excel sheet. Also you could use an effective back-end data management software that can help you draw only selective data such as ‘Buyers based in Atlanta’. Depending on the size and magnitude of your business, you can talk to your website designer about it. These advantages weigh far beyond the little cost that you may have to incur on the development and maintenance of your website. The best part is that these services are not as expensive or complicated as you thought they’d be. Also you need not master JAVA or SQL yourself as there are experts to do that for you.