TaxoDros /

TaxoDros - The database on Taxonomy of Drosophilidae. Compiled by Gerhard Bächli, Universität Zürich-Irchel, Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltforschung, Zürich, Switzerland.
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review - new version of pre-existing TaxoDros record #27

Open jhpoelen opened 4 months ago

jhpoelen commented 4 months ago

@myrmoteras for your review, a single record updated from their 2017 production version.

associated with TaxoDros record:

anderson et al., 1967a
.A Anderson, W.W., Dobzhansky, T., & Kastritsis, C.D.,
.J 1967
.S Selection and inversion polymorphism in experimental
populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura initiated
with the chromosomal constitutions of natural populations.
.Z Evolution, 21:664-671.
.K ocr++ / 1967a / doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1967.tb03423.x
.P Anderson et al., 1967a.pdf

See also attached screenshot
