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TaxoDros - The database on Taxonomy of Drosophilidae. Compiled by Gerhard Bächli, Universität Zürich-Irchel, Institut für Evolutionsbiologie und Umweltforschung, Zürich, Switzerland.
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Closed jhpoelen closed 4 months ago

jhpoelen commented 5 months ago

according to @myrmoteras, a previous attempt to upload taxodros records was done in 2017.

Suggest to make a list of all pubs related to this attempt.


jhpoelen commented 5 months ago

Also see

curl -L ""

yielded attached file result.json


cat result.json\
 | jq --raw-output '.hits.hits[] | { "recordId": .id, "doi": .metadata.doi, "title": .metadata.title, "name": .metadata.creators[0].name, "date": .metadata.publication_date, "journal": .metadata.journal.title, "key": .files[0].key, "contentId": .files[0].checksum}'\
  | mlr --ijsonl --otsvlite cat\
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resulting in attached preexisting.tsv.txt . preexisting.tsv.txt

recordId doi title name date journal key contentId
805044 10.5281/zenodo.805044 Seasonal fluctuations of esterase-6 allelic frequencies of Drosophila melanogaster in an area heavily sprayed with insecticides. Abou-Youssef, A.Y. 1983-01-31 Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. abou_et_al__1983.pdf md5:18466c06fbc2b63117ec911cede8bc50
805042 10.5281/zenodo.805042 Genetic studies on isozyme polymorphism in Drosophila. II. Gene frequency changes at the amylase locus in cage population of D. virilis. Abou-Youssef, A.Y. 1979-01-31 Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. abou_1979.pdf md5:b1ff47756d4b1f967bc2f010e6e01c27
805555 10.5281/zenodo.805555 Estimation of genetic variation by the components of gene diversity. Alatalo, R.H. 1979-12-31 Aquilo, Ser. Zool. alatalo__alatalo_1979.pdf md5:663e56416c393dc5367ed74e45c59f6b
805637 10.5281/zenodo.805637 Genetic Analysis of the Circadian Oviposition Rhythm in Drosophila melanogaster: Effects of Drift in Laboratory Strains. Allemand, R. 1984-01-31 Behav. Genet. allemand__david_1984.pdf md5:d61fb8d9a1bf88074c0713b021c3acbf
805808 10.5281/zenodo.805808 Endemic inversions in Brazilian populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Ananina, G. 2007-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805048 10.5281/zenodo.805048 The effect of carbon-dioxide upon the wing-beat frequency of Drosophila virilis Sturtevant (1916). Aboul-Nasr, A. 1954-12-31 Bull. Soc. Fouad Ent. aboul-nasr_1954a.pdf md5:6e459c292ddbf55caeb936cefe9ff84c
805609 10.5281/zenodo.805609 Gene variability in the Americana-Texana-Novamexicana complex of the virilis group of Drosophila. Alexander, M.L. 1952-02-15 Univ. Texas Publs alexander_1952a.pdf md5:b937c37db1368c20f3fe503052698889
805738 10.5281/zenodo.805738 Direct determination of the influence of extreme temperature on transposition and structural mutation rates of Drosophila melanogaster mobile elements. Alonso-Gonzalez, L. 2006-12-31 Genetica null null
805111 10.5281/zenodo.805111 Spanish cellar populations of Drosophila melanogaster. I. Study of variability at three different levels: quantitative, chromosomal and molecular. Aguade, M. 1980-12-31 Acta biol. jugosl., Genetika aguade__serra_1980.pdf md5:3353f1656f37b94f9e6c45517aa561d3
805601 10.5281/zenodo.805601 The influence of winglessness on mating frequency in species of the Drosophila affinis subgroup. Alemdar, N. 1980-12-31 Trans. Neb. Acad. Sci. alemdar_et_al__1980.pdf md5:2bd699b0509cc7e7229277b4b2163822
805687 10.5281/zenodo.805687 Variation at four enzyme loci in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster: factor analysis of genotypic and gametic associations. Alonso-Moraga, A. 1988-12-31 Genet. Sel. Evol. alonso__munoz_1988b.pdf md5:e63f5b9ba5552aa7c076b7b20b5d3f55
805681 10.5281/zenodo.805681 Geographic polymorphism of P element in populations of Drosophila sturtevanti. de Almeida, L.M. 2003-12-31 Genet. and Molec. Biol. null null
805766 10.5281/zenodo.805766 Comparative Genetic Structure between Tropical Colombian and North American Drosophila pseudoobscura Populations. Alvarez, D. 2002-12-31 Biotropica null null
805770 10.5281/zenodo.805770 Perfil de esterases ao longo do desenvolvimento de populacoes da especie Drosophila mercatorum pararepleta (Diptera; Drosophilidae). (Abstract). Alves, N.S. 2007-12-31 Resum. Congr. bras. Genet. null null
805645 10.5281/zenodo.805645 Importance evolutive du comportement de ponte chez les insectes: comparaison du rythme circadien d'oviposition chez les six especes de Drosophila du sous-groupe melanogaster. Allemand, R. 1974-12-23 C. r. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris allemand_1974.pdf md5:2a0efbb2f7f40fca58b559dc211c87d6
805832 10.5281/zenodo.805832 Selection and inversion polymorphism in experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura initiated with the chromosomal constitutions of natural populations. Anderson, W.W. 1967-12-28 Evolution anderson_et_al__1967a.pdf md5:be1ec0ebcd69cb74cba4667ffc803d2a
805607 10.5281/zenodo.805607 Note on gene variability in natural populations of Drosophila. Alexander, M.L. 1949-10-15 Univ. Texas Publs alexander_1949.pdf md5:f8b0d8539356f8d3edf432534f0c09ff
805575 10.5281/zenodo.805575 Genetic variability at the esterase-6 locus in natural populations of Drosophila simulans in relation to environmental heterogeneity. de Albuquerque, C.M.r. 1981-12-31 Genetics albuquerque__napp_1981.pdf md5:bd394f6ab8a5cbe09091908ae46dac96
805586 10.5281/zenodo.805586 Leiomyza in North America (Dipt., Drosophilidae.). Aldrich, J.M. 1919-05-31 Ent. News aldrich_1919.pdf md5:750b38e2f1b6e09330f13f734d96c2b8
805689 10.5281/zenodo.805689 Discriminant Function Analysis of the Courtship Behavior of Drosophila mojavensis (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Alonso-Pimentel, H. 1992-01-31 J. Insect Behav. alonso__tobin_1992.pdf md5:3589320cd17639df1198508512e4cb92
805040 10.5281/zenodo.805040 Genetic studies on isozyme polymorphism in Drosophila: I. Survey of D. virilis natural populations for amylase isozymes. Abou-Youssef, A.Y. 1978-01-31 Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. abou_1978.pdf md5:2b906ff4207a0f5f38fc52905eef3b49
805663 10.5281/zenodo.805663 Lethal frequencies on second and third chromosomes in populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Allen, A.C. 1969-11-30 Genetics allen_1969.pdf md5:b85f1d05891bbc7f6d00d912a7bb385c
805798 10.5281/zenodo.805798 The Influence of Low Temperature on Development, Adult Longevity and Productivity of Zaprionus indiana Gupta (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Amoudi, M.A. 1993-12-31 J. King Saud Univ. amoudi_et_al__1993a.pdf md5:d6cb572036e40de4ba669291c788117b
805673 10.5281/zenodo.805673 Evidence in Adaptive Evolution of Accessory Gland Proteins in Closely Related Species of the Drosophila repleta Group. Almeida, F.C. 2008-12-31 Molec. Biol. Evol. null null
805559 10.5281/zenodo.805559 Correlative spectral sensitivity studies on the electroretinogram components and the receptor potential of Drosophila. Alawi, A.A. 1981-12-31 Iraqi J. Sci. alawi_1981.pdf md5:d663145dd6901bcfc690a35fd559bc34
805567 10.5281/zenodo.805567 Gypsy Homologous Sequences in Drosophila subobscura (gypsyDS). Alberola, T.M. 1993-12-31 J. molec. Evol. alberola__frutos_1993a.pdf md5:f2281abec31a30d5647f71a25ea0de72
805820 10.5281/zenodo.805820 Variation in alcohol dehydrogenase activity in vitro in flies from natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Anderson, D.G. 1985-07-31 Genetica anderson__gibson_1985.pdf md5:20210a035d58f0097808daaeb6f21a59
805495 10.5281/zenodo.805495 Mitteldeutsche Blattminenkunde, 2. Teil. Ahr, H. 1967-06-01 Ent. Ber., Berlin ahr_1967b.pdf md5:f7b8ea05be6618066330f2a17792cc94
805774 10.5281/zenodo.805774 Morphology of mouth hooks and anterior spiracles during larval development of D. funebris. Amador, A. 1998-12-31 D. I. S. amador__juan_1998.pdf md5:fbe01d4113e31ac950582f4367e1e844
805649 10.5281/zenodo.805649 Le potentiel reproducteur des adultes de Drosophila melanogaster: variations genetiques en reponse aux regimes lumineux. Allemand, R. 1977-12-31 Genetica allemand_1977a.pdf md5:1df25d7eefd063d67bde446f4d6b8eb4
805541 10.5281/zenodo.805541 Adaptation of Drosophila enzymes to temperature. IV. Natural selection at the alcohol-dehydrogenase locus. Alahiotis, S.N. 1982-09-09 Genetica alahiotis_1982.pdf md5:dfd59557d3c2ec2a235ffe9f8ebbcae3
805746 10.5281/zenodo.805746 A functional approach to superparasitism: host discrimination needs not be learnt. van Alphen, J.J.M. 1987-12-31 Neth. J. Zool. alphen_et_al__1987.pdf md5:eed1d83289e55710f5239739c994e51a
805752 10.5281/zenodo.805752 The genetic basis of truncate wing. - An inconstant and modifiable character in Drosophila. Altenburg, E. 1920-12-31 Genetics altenburg__muller_1920.pdf md5:48baabd2a76844aff70fcbdf9b81686b
805523 10.5281/zenodo.805523 Enzyme polymorphisms in two D. melanogaster populations of Southern Greece. Alahiotis, S. 1974-12-31 D. I. S. alahiotis_1974b.pdf md5:7acabfd3efe601b094ac2449dab6b875
805762 10.5281/zenodo.805762 Comparative genetic structure among Colombian and Mexican Drosophila pseudoobscura populations by using 14 microsatellite markers: a first approach. Alvarez, D. 2001-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805816 10.5281/zenodo.805816 Intraspecific hybridization, developmental stability and fitness in Drosophila mercatorum. Andersen, D.H. 2002-12-31 Evol. Ecol. Res. null null
805643 10.5281/zenodo.805643 Variabilite genetique du rythme circadien de ponte dans les populations naturelles de Drosophila melanogaster. Allemand, R. 1984-12-31 Genet. Sel. Evol. allemand_et_al__1984.pdf md5:354ad080d273931b5b2f2be99fa0d75e
805597 10.5281/zenodo.805597 New Acalyptrate Diptera from the Pacific and Oriental regions. Aldrich, J.M. 1931-12-31 Proc. Hawaii. ent. Soc. aldrich_1931.pdf md5:cb22c5d654934389ad9b6e966389ee01
805830 10.5281/zenodo.805830 Ethanol tolerance and alcohol dehydrogenase activity in Australian populations of Drosophila simulans. Anderson, P.R. 1986-04-30 Hereditas anderson__oakeshott_1986.pdf md5:b520c393bb3f20413cef3c96febd4cf5
805545 10.5281/zenodo.805545 The effect of two ecological factors upon the inversion frequencies in D. melanogaster cage population. Alahiotis, S. 1977-05-31 D. I. S. alahiotis_et_al__1977a.pdf md5:aed7b39d6f544df5b7f5419941759cb1
805097 10.5281/zenodo.805097 Mitochondrial DNA Variation and Genetic Structure in Old-World Populations of Drosophila subobscura. Afonso, J.M. 1990-03-31 Molec. Biol. Evol. afonso_et_al__1990.pdf md5:45931af8363306f12d8a31cb7fe0a88f
805804 10.5281/zenodo.805804 Bundner Dipteren. Am Stein, (J.R.) 1857-12-31 Jber. naturf. Ges. Graub. amstein_1857.pdf md5:e7dec1ae8e88034d25eec6d2b57405d0
805497 10.5281/zenodo.805497 (Review). von Aigner-Abafi, L. 1899-12-31 Ill. Z. Ent. aigner_1899.pdf md5:515d19c6d1b232476ba9c607e797f452
805665 10.5281/zenodo.805665 Insecticidal Control of the Sugar-Beet Root Maggot and Yield of Sugar Beets. Allen, W.R. 1961-12-31 J. econ. Ent. allen_et_al__1961.pdf md5:a9c1b53f12738e2c8c184661d93f59d3
805629 10.5281/zenodo.805629 A Preliminary Note on the Natural Enemies of sugarcane Mealybug, Pseudococcus saccharifolii (Green) in Bihar (India). Ali, S.M. 1963-12-31 Indian J. SugCane Res. Dev. ali_1963.pdf md5:0a6cf3c8436f313805fec87da793dd85
805736 10.5281/zenodo.805736 Courtship sounds and behaviour of the two saguaro-breeding Drosophila and their relatives. Alonso-Pimentel, H. 1995-12-31 Anim. Behav. alonso_et_al__1995.pdf md5:78a54e6ef0a6ac0c95ddafaede59c55f
805511 10.5281/zenodo.805511 Adaptation of Drosophila enzymes to temperature - I. Acetylcholinesterase and NADP-dependent isocitrate-dehydrogenase. Alahiotis, S. 1978-12-31 Comp. Biochem. Physiol. alahiotis__berger_1978.pdf md5:07107389fc87386cb359e8a39ce0b480
805595 10.5281/zenodo.805595 (no title). Aldrich, J.M. 1922-12-31 Ent. News aldrich_1922.pdf md5:5e2f586ba26e5a21e98ff20891f7eab0
805778 10.5281/zenodo.805778 Observacoes preliminares sobre a influencia da entomofauna na dispersao dos uredosporos da ferrugem do cafeeiro (Hemileia vastatrix). Amante, E. 1971-04-30 Biologico amante_et_al__1971.pdf md5:0e856a3ff3999b1801b8fabbdcc464a2
805627 10.5281/zenodo.805627 Differences in the yeasts preferred by Drosophila melanogaster and D. simulans. Ali, A.M.M. 1974-07-31 Egypt. J. Genet. Cytol. ali__el-helw_1974.pdf md5:df24c5aed4995413bbb3adabbfc6e237
805788 10.5281/zenodo.805788 Genetic Analysis of Drosophila sechellia Specialization: Oviposition Behavior Toward the Major Aliphatic Acids of Its Host Plant. Amlou, M. 1998-12-31 Behav. Genet. amlou_et_al__1998b.pdf md5:c3e942e1d07da77dcc360037b722400f
805605 10.5281/zenodo.805605 Natural Enemies of Prickly Pear and their Introduction into Australia. Alexander, W.B. 1925-12-31 Bull. Inst. Sci. Ind., Melb. alexander_1925.pdf md5:21f189f3e6b119049d33106d07d685c9
805754 10.5281/zenodo.805754 First records of Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae) from the Basra governorate in Iraq. Al T'Oma, Z. 2010-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805621 10.5281/zenodo.805621 Quelques remarques a propos de la specificite parasitaire. Sur le veritable nom de Cryptobia (=Trypanoplasma) intestinalis et sur celui du Trypanosome pathogene des Mammiferes; quelques autres questions de synonymie chez les Protozoaires. Alexeieff, A. 1912-12-26 Zool. Anz. alexeieff_1912.pdf md5:7ad924dc9a8a7d5d00f7422c04f46a61
805812 10.5281/zenodo.805812 Chromosomal inversion polymorphism in Drosophila mediopunctata: seasonal, altitudinal, and latitudinal variation. Ananina, G. 2004-12-31 Genet. and Molec. Biol. null null
805565 10.5281/zenodo.805565 Drosophila lebanonensis ADH: analysis of recombinant wild-type enzyme and site-directed mutants. The effect of restoring the consensus sequence in two positions. Albalat, R. 1994-12-31 FEBS Lett. albalat_et_al__1994.pdf md5:899e878b798a18fb18ae216a065d7a48
805061 10.5281/zenodo.805061 Organisms, especially insects, associated with wood rotting higher fungi (Basidiomycetes) in Wisconsin forests. Ackerman, J.K. 1973-12-31 Trans. Wisc. Acad. Sci. ackerman__shenefelt_1973.pdf md5:ee46c6768b689478a12292384b86ec06
805657 10.5281/zenodo.805657 Relative mating success of hybrid and pure species males to highly discriminating D. pseudoobscura females. Allen, E.C. 2007-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805573 10.5281/zenodo.805573 Genetic Analysis of Drosophila melanogaster Egg Insertion Behavior. Albornoz, J. 1987-05-31 Behav. Genet. albornoz__dominguez_1987.pdf md5:5ff3fbd12505d3f93f5179cd2cf51cda
805683 10.5281/zenodo.805683 Allozyme polymorphism and linkage disequilibrium of Adh and Alpha-Gpdh loci in wine cellar and field populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Alonso-Moraga, A. 1986-11-15 Experientia alonso__munoz_1986.pdf md5:c8352b4201294922e75e511d62661047
805794 10.5281/zenodo.805794 Some indices of thermophily and heat resistance in two species of the genus Drosophila Fll. (Diptera, Drosophilidae). (in Russian, with English summary). Amosova, I.S. 1990-12-31 Ent. Obozr. amosova_1990.pdf md5:f4de1f7e43a0c7ea8fe9478b6a9a5638
805493 10.5281/zenodo.805493 Mitteldeutsche Blattminenkunde, 1. Teil. Ahr, H. 1967-02-01 Ent. Ber., Berlin ahr_1967a.pdf md5:557461ab604716fcb706edb7f5aa261b
805647 10.5281/zenodo.805647 Importance adaptative du rythme circadien de ponte chez les drosophilides: comparaison de huit especes du genre Zaprionus. Allemand, R. 1976-01-05 C. r. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris allemand_1976c.pdf md5:23376e243476a8787f55d05704a10ee3
805764 10.5281/zenodo.805764 Detection of stabilizing selection in favor of the Santa Cruz homokaryotype in Drosophila pseudoobscura populations from the high plateau of the Colombian Andes. Alvarez, D. 2002-12-31 Genet. Mol. Res. null null
805599 10.5281/zenodo.805599 Further investigations of light-dependent mating in Drosophila algonquin and related species. (Abstract). Alemdar, N. 1978-12-31 Proc. Neb. Acad. Sci. alemdar__miller_1978.pdf md5:a1aede962c6708c00e17876998c4226f
805671 10.5281/zenodo.805671 Multiple events of horizontal transfer of the Minos transposable element between Drosophila species. de Almeida, L.M. 2005-12-31 Molec. Phylog. Evol. null null
805611 10.5281/zenodo.805611 The effect of two pericentric inversions upon crossingover in Drosophila melanogaster. Alexander, M.L. 1952-02-15 Univ. Texas Publs alexander_1952b.pdf md5:c12ac36bfe90e2b6deb4b92ceeffee18
805796 10.5281/zenodo.805796 Zaprionus indiana (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Saudi Arabia and the Effect of Temperature on the Life Cycle. Amoudi, M.A. 1991-12-31 J. King Saud Univ. amoudi_et_al__1991.pdf md5:94cd8ff63e52a95e3ff5a4ecf05825f5
805499 10.5281/zenodo.805499 Guests of spittle-insects. Ainslie, C.N. 1906-02-05 Canad. Ent. ainslie_1906.pdf md5:6cc28df488c114d74a9fd04ffebff549
805617 10.5281/zenodo.805617 The functional w+ isoalleles revealed by w mutations in D. melanogaster. Alexandrov, I.D. 1971-01-31 D. I. S. alexandrov_1971.pdf md5:243e965ebc887ec7a35e00c7d30db4a0
805742 10.5281/zenodo.805742 Host selection by Asobara tabida nees (Braconidae; Alysiinae) a larval parasitoid of fruit inhabiting Drosophila species. II. Host species selection. van Alphen, J.J.M. 1982-12-31 Neth. J. Zool. alphen__janssen_1982a.pdf md5:bb968d61fd18b00f2bd203719cf97307
805790 10.5281/zenodo.805790 Drosophila Control in Indiana Tomato Factories. Ammerman, G.R. 1954-12-31 Proc. N. Centr. Brch ent. Soc. Am. ammerman_et_al__1954.pdf md5:d0847e6e7ac059d19d38d125c350d835
805810 10.5281/zenodo.805810 Polytene Chromosome Map and Inversion Polymorphism in Drosophila mediopunctata. Ananina, G. 2002-12-31 Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz null null
805772 10.5281/zenodo.805772 Evolution of Cuticular Hydrocarbons of Hawaiian Drosophilidae. Alves, H. 2010-12-31 Behav. Genet. null null
805036 10.5281/zenodo.805036 Developpement embryonnaire et post-embryonnaire des gonades normales et agametiques de Drosophila melanogaster. Aboim, A.N. 1945-12-31 Revue suisse Zool. aboim_1945.pdf md5:d86ae28b77e1da1737b95bd32b631771
805623 10.5281/zenodo.805623 Insects associated with the Sitka spruce weevil, Pissodes strobi (Col.: Curculionidae) on Sitka spruce, Picea sitchensis in British Columbia, Canada. Alfaro, R.I. 1985-12-31 Entomophaga alfaro_et_al__1985.pdf md5:43ca6c943d352efd60ff2d1f75e566cd
805095 10.5281/zenodo.805095 Gametic non-random associations in North-West African populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Afonso, J.M. 1985-07-31 Genetica afonso_et_al__1985.pdf md5:81a578217ecb846446693f79207c4ffe
805117 10.5281/zenodo.805117 Different Forces Drive the Evolution of the Acp26Aa and Acp26Ab Accessory Gland Genes in the Drosophila melanogaster Species Complex. Aguade, M. 1998-12-31 Genetics aguade_1998.pdf md5:6693f9835992d1ff88a88e7087f156b2
805659 10.5281/zenodo.805659 A Few Notable Diptera from Windsor Forest. Allen, A.A. 1965-04-15 Ent. Rec. allen_1965.pdf md5:21ca8416608c29a64106685453c77c1c
805639 10.5281/zenodo.805639 Increase in the longevity of adult Drosophila melanogaster kept in permanent darkness. Allemand, R. 1973-12-31 Exp. Gerontol. allemand_et_al__1973.pdf md5:eea6fa7fd3b37e02651128b38e1d1f4f
805038 10.5281/zenodo.805038 Toxicite du chlordane (Velsicole 1068) sur plusieurs insectes qui ravagent les substances emmagasinees. Aboim, A.N. 1949-12-31 Bolm Soc. port. Cienc. nat. aboim_et_al__1949.pdf md5:8f09ec2004c0a161e70e714eaef68325
805509 10.5281/zenodo.805509 Studies on Iraqi population of Drosophila melanogaster inhabiting Tuwaitha area. Al-Hakkak, Z.S. 1985-07-31 J. Biol. Sci. Res., Baghdad al-hakkak_et_al__1985.pdf md5:51bee31b3f81fb97d6afad1e27b80d02
805822 10.5281/zenodo.805822 Sexual Isolation Between Sympatric and Allopatric Populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Anderson, W.W. 2005-12-31 Behav. Genet. null null
805121 10.5281/zenodo.805121 Restriction-Map Variation at the Zeste-tko Region in Natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Aguade, M. 1989-12-31 Molec. Biol. Evol. aguade_et_al__1989.pdf md5:f05def39b4e9b642738732a52e97e510
805756 10.5281/zenodo.805756 Modifier variability in a natural population of Drosophila subobscura. Alvarez, G. 1980-12-31 Acta biol. jugosl., Genetika alvarez_et_al__1980.pdf md5:25a67b5b54f4459d0b5387b5028e993d
805750 10.5281/zenodo.805750 Adaptive superparasitism and patch time allocation in solitary parasitoids: searching in groups vs sequential patch visits. van Alphen, J.J.M. 1992-12-31 Funct. Ecol. alphen_et_al__1992.pdf md5:93122ee8709e31e4828e9ba50f029df2
805780 10.5281/zenodo.805780 A preliminary report on Drosophila fauna of Islamabad (Capital, Pakistan). Amin ud Din, M. 2005-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805744 10.5281/zenodo.805744 Superparasitism and host discrimination by Asobara tabida nees (Braconidae: Alysiinae), a larval parasitoid of Drosophilidae. van Alphen, J.J.M. 1982-08-18 Neth. J. Zool. alphen__nell_1982b.pdf md5:b0696dec8c397e83bfdcd41a32d9b77c
805786 10.5281/zenodo.805786 Larval tolerance in the Drosophila melanogaster species complex toward the two toxic acids of the D. sechellia host plant. Amlou, M. 1998-12-31 Hereditas amlou_et_al__1998a.pdf md5:10623d56d9b31b48505dfda943d83783
805577 10.5281/zenodo.805577 Genetical analysis of intrapopulational variation in olfactory response in Drosophila melanogaster. Alcorta, E. 1988-12-31 Heredity alcorta__rubio_1988.pdf md5:00865664ff17d110b73bbb9ef9817760
805661 10.5281/zenodo.805661 The effects of recombination on quasinormal second and third chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster from a natural population. Allen, A.C. 1966-12-06 Genetics allen_1966.pdf md5:8e4182df853371fcf506e64b464ceed2
805543 10.5281/zenodo.805543 A contribution to the study of linkage disequilibrium in Drosophila melanogaster. Alahiotis, S. 1976-12-31 Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. alahiotis_et_al__1976.pdf md5:407d4a1677af6a5b87008fd804300eb0
805685 10.5281/zenodo.805685 Variation at four enzyme loci in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster: factor analyses of genotypic and gametic associations. Alonso-Moraga, A. 1988-12-31 Genet. Sel. Evol. alonso__munoz_1988a.pdf md5:2218ad5ec7a850682b1417a20f922659
805581 10.5281/zenodo.805581 Genetic Analysis of the Light Dependence of Courtship in Drosophila subobscura. Aldinger-von Kleist, R. 1985-03-31 Behav. Genet. aldinger_1985.pdf md5:702b5bde0b663c63fd69e154256b0dc0
805551 10.5281/zenodo.805551 Oviposition behaviour in four species of Drosophila. Conducta de oviposicion en cuatro especies de Drosophila. Alamiri, Z. 2000-12-31 Gayana alamiri_2000.pdf md5:78079ac4f8c774e414337b027b897868
805613 10.5281/zenodo.805613 Interspecific gene variability in the Virilis species group. Alexander, M.L. 1952-02-15 Univ. Texas Publs alexander_et_al__1952.pdf md5:457e92cd9cb90f067c75c8c6980f41b7
805641 10.5281/zenodo.805641 Effects of different light regimens on the egg production and egg hatchability of Drosophila melanogaster adults. Allemand, R. 1976-05-20 Acta ent. bohemoslovaca allemand_et_al__1976.pdf md5:d6d884938d39edc924a0fb910aa3b338
805525 10.5281/zenodo.805525 Genetic variation and the ecological parameter 'food medium' in cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Alahiotis, S. 1976-12-31 Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. alahiotis_1976.pdf md5:ee39e879a7309c903386fd3caeab65cd
805050 10.5281/zenodo.805050 The effect of carbon-tetrachloride upon the wing-beat frequency of Drosophila virilis Sturtevant (1916). Aboul-Nasr, A. 1954-12-31 Bull. Soc. Fouad Ent. aboul-nasr_1954b.pdf md5:376abdf070b4cae5a097846aa568d6d3
805677 10.5281/zenodo.805677 Drosophila melanogaster Meigen: 1. Sensibilidade ao endosulfan e biomonitoramento de seus residuos em couve-manteiga. de Almeida, G.R. 2000-12-31 Revta Inst. Adolfo Lutz null null
805517 10.5281/zenodo.805517 The effect of the environmental parameters temperature and humidity upon the variability of the gene pool in Drosophila melanogaster. Alahiotis, S. 1980-12-31 Acta biol. jugosl., Genetika alahiotis__pelecanos_1980.pdf md5:7ebeb9e7e96437e5b7eb15b2f9a10997
805653 10.5281/zenodo.805653 The circadian oviposition rhythm of Drosophila melanogaster. II: Influence of biotic factors. Allemand, R. 1983-12-31 Biol. Comport. allemand_1983b.pdf md5:a7b1a089ad3879c7487516944e9118ea
805655 10.5281/zenodo.805655 Phylogeny of six African Leptopilina species (Hymenoptera: Cynipoidea, Figitidae), parasitoids of Drosophila, with description of three new species. Allemand, R. 2002-12-31 Annls Soc. ent. Fr. null null
805503 10.5281/zenodo.805503 Comparison of the DNA-topoisomerase 1 of embryos of the wild type Dr. simulans and mutant line. (in Russian, with English summary). Akopyan, K.Z. 1985-12-31 Biol. Zh. Armenii akopyan_1985.pdf md5:ceac9cb905c5af7293951c8b6479dc67
805782 10.5281/zenodo.805782 Study of Drosophila association with certain plant species in Islamabad, Pakistan. Amin ud Din, M. 2005-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805824 10.5281/zenodo.805824 A Further Analysis of Sexual Isolation Between Sympatric and Allopatric Populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. Anderson, W.W. 2006-12-31 Behav. Genet. null null
805521 10.5281/zenodo.805521 Isozyme genotype-environment relationship in artificial cage populations originated from a Southern Greek D. melanogaster natural population. Alahiotis, S. 1974-12-31 D. I. S. alahiotis_1974a.pdf md5:ee32649d20c6fd434df504290d0dcf3a
805615 10.5281/zenodo.805615 The multisite mutations induced by viruses and foreign DNA can spread in natural populations of Drosophila. Alexandrov, Y.N. 1983-10-31 D. I. S. alexandrov__golubovsky_1983.pdf md5:2dea633fe9da52d12a1bc7a50189087e
805776 10.5281/zenodo.805776 Is Zaprionus indianus invading a preserved Amazon forest? Amador, R.B. 2011-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805679 10.5281/zenodo.805679 Micropia transposable element occurrence in Drosophila species of the saltans group. Almeida, L.M. 2001-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805063 10.5281/zenodo.805063 Notes on the Verrall-Collin collection of Diptera in the Hope Department of Entomology, University Museum, Oxford. Ackland, D.M. 1972-09-27 Ent. mon. Mag. ackland__taylor_1972.pdf md5:125fd201cad3b680acae0715c6014b7f
805740 10.5281/zenodo.805740 Host selection by Asobara tabida Nees (Braconidae: Alysiinae) a larval parasitoid of fruit inhabiting Drosophila species. I. Host stage selection with Drosophila melanogaster as host species van Alphen, J.J.M. 1982-12-31 Neth. J. Zool. alphen__drijver_1982.pdf md5:0966dcfb96bd3c18f84c62b6186b0787
805619 10.5281/zenodo.805619 Different patterns of spontaneous mutability in two wild-type sib stocks of D. melanogaster with long-term laboratory history. Alexandrov, I.D. 1992-07-31 D. I. S. alexandrov_1992.pdf md5:e3e351f00e3260635d4515c530b293c5
805579 10.5281/zenodo.805579 Intrapopulational Variation of Olfactory Responses in Drosophila melanogaster. Alcorta, E. 1989-03-31 Behav. Genet. alcorta__rubio_1989.pdf md5:2e12471b64d127bffb581805ad3e15e5
805693 10.5281/zenodo.805693 Microspatial differentiation of Drosophila melanogaster populations in and around a wine cellar in southern Spain. Alonso-Moraga, A. 1988-09-30 Genet. Sel. Evol. alonso_et_al__1988.pdf md5:ae0e9fd9986ca142b7cdfeb7a4bc2552
805519 10.5281/zenodo.805519 Temperature adaptation of Drosophila populations. The heat shock proteins system. Alahiotis, S.N. 1982-12-31 Comp. Biochem. Physiol. alahiotis__stephanou_1982.pdf md5:3a356c77d64a5989162d835718d99941
805758 10.5281/zenodo.805758 Population genetics in the American tropics. XXXIX. Asymmetry as a divergence factor in demes of Drosophila pseudoobscura in the Cundiboyacense Altiplano of Colombia. Alvarez, D. 1989-08-31 Evol. Biol., Bogota alvarez_et_al__1989.pdf md5:f80d25327c7a2fe35dc1959be1e8b225
805814 10.5281/zenodo.805814 Inversion polymorphism and a new polytene chromosome map of Zaprionus indianus Gupta (1970) (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Ananina, G. 2007-12-31 Genetica null null
805119 10.5281/zenodo.805119 Correlated Responses to Selection for Wing Length in Allozyme Systems of Drosophila melanogaster. Aguade, M. 1981-12-31 Theoret. Appl. Genet. aguade_et_al__1981.pdf md5:c994cd5394bd755537f9a0e832ea5523
805633 10.5281/zenodo.805633 Correlated responses in lines of Drosophila melanogaster selected for different oviposition behaviours. Allemand, R. 1989-12-01 Experientia allemand__bouletreau_1989.pdf md5:7676d218ca40f1fca1d0a6655c4eaec1
805800 10.5281/zenodo.805800 Effects of Larval Population Density on the Life Cycle Parameters in Zaprionus indiana Gupta (Diptera: Drosophilidae). Amoudi, M.A. 1993-12-31 Pakistan J. Zool. amoudi_et_al__1993b.pdf md5:52e7edbdece19dfaa9fc8fde4e22a25c
805784 10.5281/zenodo.805784 Genetic analysis by interspecific crosses of the tolerance of Drosophila sechellia to major aliphatic acids of its host plant. Amlou, M. 1997-12-31 Genet. Sel. Evol. amlou_et_al__1997.pdf md5:7c01080bcf01cd57e0e1dc97bb24dac9
805513 10.5281/zenodo.805513 Mating propensities and variations in enzyme activities in long-term cage populations of Drosophila melanogaster. Alahiotis, S.N. 1982-12-31 J. Hered. alahiotis__kilias_1982.pdf md5:ab52fe844e92ceab7fb461339814f281
805515 10.5281/zenodo.805515 Induction of gene pool differentiation in Drosophila melanogaster. Alahiotis, S. 1978-12-31 Canad. J. Genet. Cytol. alahiotis__pelecanos_1978.pdf md5:889673f703242f6542b72ac4e56e1031
805760 10.5281/zenodo.805760 Genetic variation in a modifier system affecting the expression of Bare mutant of Drosophila subobscura. Alvarez, G. 1990-12-31 Heredity alvarez_et_al__1990.pdf md5:ac3d95493c5f6137cbc1038127593eb7
805802 10.5281/zenodo.805802 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Minenfauna Palastinas. Amsel, H.G. 1931-12-31 Dtsch. ent. Z. amsel__hering_1931.pdf md5:0beea15672758ee1e4597545a3f7ba92
805748 10.5281/zenodo.805748 Host habitat finding and host selection of the Drosophila parasitoid Leptopilina australis (Hymenoptera, Eucoilidae), with a comparison of the niches of European Leptopilina species. van Alphen, J.J.M. 1991-12-31 Oecologia alphen_et_al__1991.pdf md5:a9241d0a5524c9fbd54fa6dec6c415a2
805651 10.5281/zenodo.805651 Determinisme exogene du rythme de ponte chez Drosophila melanogaster: Role du passage photophase-scotophase. Allemand, R. 1981-09-21 C. r. Seanc. Acad. Sci., Paris allemand_1981.pdf md5:7b89bb55019f951835779d5b9dbb5b51
805691 10.5281/zenodo.805691 Variation of allozyme frequencies in Spanish field and cellar populations of D. melanogaster. Alonso-Moraga, A. 1985-12-31 Genet. Sel. Evol. alonso_et_al__1985.pdf md5:ef9a3ed99549ca3810397c599c82b615
805792 10.5281/zenodo.805792 First known Brazilian species of the genera Scutops and Neoscutops (Diptera: Periscelididae), with comments on the relationships among the species in each genus. Amorim, D. de S. 1989-12-31 Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz amorim__vasconcelos_1989.pdf md5:b7c2e55ccfd614b6ecd4f52f6870d111
805806 10.5281/zenodo.805806 A Photographic Map of Drosophila hydei Polytene Chromosomes. Ananiev, E.V. 1982-12-22 Chromosoma ananiev__barsky_1982.pdf md5:fcb8dc0bdfa6ffad0ec03eb9ea349074
805818 10.5281/zenodo.805818 Mating Choice in Crosses between Geographic Populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. Anderson, W.W. 1969-01-29 Am. Midl. Nat. anderson__ehrman_1969.pdf md5:fdd5d889677e948bbd68b3c65df14b4a
805065 10.5281/zenodo.805065 Phylogeny of the Drosophila obscura group as inferred from one- and two-dimensional protein electrophoresis. Acosta, T. 1995-12-31 J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. acosta_et_al__1995.pdf md5:3bbc1393480b533115ae9cdca113c2f2
805527 10.5281/zenodo.805527 Adaptation of Drosophila enzymes to temperature - II. Supernatant and mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase. Alahiotis, S. 1979-12-31 Insect Biochem. alahiotis_1979a.pdf md5:cfb29c63426d57a50e9cc2381ee4d908
805491 10.5281/zenodo.805491 Ethological Isolation Among Three Species of the planitibia Subgroup of Hawaiian Drosophila. Ahearn, J.N. 1974-03-31 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA ahearn_et_al__1974.pdf md5:1adf2d13b3a2a5f037d1d0487226d973
805734 10.5281/zenodo.805734 Ultrastructural examination of the insemination reaction in Drosophila. Alonso-Pimentel, H. 1994-12-31 Cell Tissue Res. alonso_et_al__1994.pdf md5:f9115d8c09b100f26829dac343d90d99
805635 10.5281/zenodo.805635 The Circadian Rhythm of Oviposition in Drosophila melanogaster: A Genetic Latitudinal Cline in Wild Populations. Allemand, R. 1976-11-15 Experientia allemand__david_1976.pdf md5:dabe989b288a5a1ec5f02e7cf2d01727
805826 10.5281/zenodo.805826 Mating pattern and mating success of Drosophila pseudoobscura karyotypes in large experimental populations. Anderson, W.W. 1978-06-30 Evolution anderson__mcguire_1978.pdf md5:5e065a5ff83135fb99087e8016fc1f9a
805828 10.5281/zenodo.805828 Parallel geographical patterns of allozyme variation in two sibling Drosophila species. Anderson, P.R. 1984-04-19 Nature anderson__oakeshott_1984.pdf md5:e3fd538811e76d05982be7bd29864985
805569 10.5281/zenodo.805569 Adh Expression in Species of the mulleri Subgroup of Drosophila. Alberola, J. 1987-12-31 Biochem. Genet. alberola_et_al__1987.pdf md5:ae0347428bf44143c3b8b17767777e09
805077 10.5281/zenodo.805077 Diptera taken in the New Forest. Adams, F.C. 1898-12-31 Ent. mon. Mag. adams_1898.pdf md5:e9b18539d92dc923dba4293102dc3982
805059 10.5281/zenodo.805059 Altitudinal and seasonal variation in Drosophila species on mount Japfu of Nagaland, a sub-Himalayan hilly state of India. Achumi, B. 2013-12-31 J. Insect Sci. null null
805571 10.5281/zenodo.805571 Fecundity in Drosophila following Desiccation Is Dependent on Nutrition and Selection Regime. Albers, M.A. 2007-12-31 Physiol. Biochem. Zool. null null
805561 10.5281/zenodo.805561 Light-induced pore formation in the membrane of the photoreceptor cell. Alawi, A.A. 1982-07-31 Arab. J. Sci. Eng. alawi_1982.pdf md5:2438fb42be265b42756f2382ebafc96f
805553 10.5281/zenodo.805553 Preadults interactions between the colonizing Drosophila subobscura and the established species D. hydei and D. melanogaster (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in Chile using natural substrates. Alamiri, Z. 2001-12-31 Revta chil. Ent. null null
805675 10.5281/zenodo.805675 Orthology, Function and Evolution of Accessory Gland Proteins in the Drosophila repleta Group. Almeida, F.C. 2009-12-31 Genetics null null
805113 10.5281/zenodo.805113 Analysis of microdifferentiation in a Spanish cellar population of Drosophila melanogaster. Aguade, M. 1987-11-16 Genetica aguade__serra_1987.pdf md5:632e104e083820833acf7fd1f11436a6
805109 10.5281/zenodo.805109 A case of myophily involving Drosophilidae (Diptera). Agnew, J.D. 1976-12-31 J. S. Afr. Bot. agnew_1976.pdf md5:477473aca81c7f7dd94bfb298a5c116b
805105 10.5281/zenodo.805105 A meristic trait in Drosophila melanogaster x simulans hybrids. Agnew, J.D. 1973-12-31 Genetica agnew_1973a.pdf md5:3f6bc04c81b33f589c5c509eb8ae2240
805075 10.5281/zenodo.805075 Seminal proteins but not sperm induce morphological changes in the Drosophila melanogaster female reproductive tract during sperm storage. Adams, E.A. 2007-12-31 J. Insect Physiol. null null
805071 10.5281/zenodo.805071 Biological Invasions in the Amazonian Tropical Rain Forest: The Case of Drosophilidae (Insecta, Diptera) in Ecuador, South America. Acurio, A. 2010-12-31 Biotropica null null
805099 10.5281/zenodo.805099 Rapid effects of humidity acclimation on stress resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Aggarwal, D.D. 2013-12-31 Comp. Biochem. Physiol. null null
805557 10.5281/zenodo.805557 Electroretinogram of Drosophila: I. Separation of its components. Alawi, A.A. 1975-12-31 Dirasat alawi_1975.pdf md5:46385abdb60f82ca0a6d3b5e0d66fb73
805055 10.5281/zenodo.805055 A new species of Tanycarpa Foerster from England (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Alysiinae). van Achterberg, C. 1976-01-01 Ent. Ber., Amst. achterberg_1976.pdf md5:43667a51cbc4065662274b585ff5cc3b
805087 10.5281/zenodo.805087 On the analysis of viability data: an example with Drosophila. Adell, J.C. 1990-08-31 Heredity adell_et_al__1990.pdf md5:e357f2bf6f9ebb41c46ce5e445529fdc
805083 10.5281/zenodo.805083 Notes on Diptera in the New Forest, 1905. Adams, F.C. 1906-05-31 The Entomologist's monthly magazine adams_1906.pdf md5:e312519ee693f633e622347a7dff3e6b
805103 10.5281/zenodo.805103 Hybridization between two sibling species of Drosophila. Agnew, J.D. 1971-12-31 South African Genetics. Society agnew_1971.pdf md5:b9e81a96772f0db166e09294890796bb
805052 10.5281/zenodo.805052 Competition may determine the diversity of transposable elements. Abrusan, G. 2006-12-31 Theoret. Pop. Biol. null null
805505 10.5281/zenodo.805505 Studies on determination of harmful fauna in the fig orchards in Aydin province (Turkey). Aydin ilinde incir agaclarinda saptanan zararli turler. (in Turkish). Aksit, T. 2003-12-31 Turkiye Entomoloji Dergisi null null
805046 10.5281/zenodo.805046 On the effect of Carbon Tetrachloride upon etherized Drosophila virilis. Aboul-Nasr, A. 1953-12-31 Bull. Soc. Fouad Ent. aboul-nasr_1953.pdf md5:d4389afc7156c953a25b66d9ef541808
805667 10.5281/zenodo.805667 Gonadal hybrid dysgenesis in Drosophila sturtevanti (Diptera, Drosophilidae). de Almeida, L.M. 2002-12-31 Iheringia, Ser. Zool. null null
805034 10.5281/zenodo.805034 Progeny Estimation of Different Entomopathogenic Nematodes in Full Fed Larvae of Fruit Flies Drosophila Sp. (Drosophilidae: Diptera). Abdallah, K. 2009-12-31 Life Sciences International Journal null null
805631 10.5281/zenodo.805631 Gametic incompatibilities between races of Drosophila melanogaster. Alipaz, J.A. 2001-12-31 Proc. r. Soc. null null
805501 10.5281/zenodo.805501 Molecular Evolution in the Drosophila melanogaster Species Subgroup: Frequent Parameter Fluctuations on the Timescale of Molecular Divergence. Akashi, H. 2006-12-31 Genetics null null
805079 10.5281/zenodo.805079 Acletoxenus syrphoides, Frnfd., at Lyndhurst. Adams, F.C. 1902-05-31 Ent. mon. Mag. adams_1902.pdf md5:4bc184987facd94772affc0db53aae8b
805625 10.5281/zenodo.805625 Die Insekten des Memmert. Zum Problem der Besiedlung einer neuentstehenden Insel. Alfken, J.D. 1924-11-30 Abh. naturw. Ver. Bremen alfken_1924.pdf md5:99dff1c4748504c0817ac856429ad92c
805085 10.5281/zenodo.805085 Review of the fauna of the Marquesas Islands and discussion of its origin. Adamson, A.M. 1939-12-31 Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletin adamson_1939.pdf md5:9f838fbffb4b709e0e70b195583bf19b
805603 10.5281/zenodo.805603 Radiation damage in the developing germ cells of Drosophila virilis. Alexander, M.L. 1955-12-31 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA alexander__stone_1955.pdf md5:3650c7d3529fd034a3eadb5da145b1d4
805123 10.5281/zenodo.805123 Cytogenetic study of three closely related species of Hawaiian Drosophila. Ahearn, J.N. 1987-12-31 Genome ahearn__baimai_1987.pdf md5:f3160f5f98de0c161816debc560a3bbe
805584 10.5281/zenodo.805584 A Catalogue of North American Diptera (or Two-winged Flies). Aldrich, J.M. 1905-05-31 Smithson. misc. Collns aldrich_1905.pdf md5:b4e6c100c45d7d7f92111c10bffe4e84
805101 10.5281/zenodo.805101 Microsatellite variation in natural Drosophila melanogaster populations from New South Wales (Australia) and Tasmania. Agis, M. 2001-12-31 Molec. Ecol. null null
805073 10.5281/zenodo.805073 Description of a New Spotted Wing Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) Species and Its Evolutionary Relationships Inferred by a Cladistic Analysis of Morphological Traits. Acurio, A. 2013-12-31 Ann. ent. Soc. Am. null null
805069 10.5281/zenodo.805069 Diversity and geographical distribution of Drosophila (Diptera, Drosophilidae) in Ecuador. Acurio, A. 2009-12-31 D. I. S. null null
805081 10.5281/zenodo.805081 Diptera africana, I. Adams, C.F. 1905-10-31 Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull. adams_1905a.pdf md5:a6a38d98b36fc829c0f86aca1ac5c76a
805507 10.5281/zenodo.805507 Assessment of higher insect taxa as bioindicators for different logging-disturbance regimes in lowland tropical rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. Akutsu, K. 2007-12-31 Ecol. Res. null null
805067 10.5281/zenodo.805067 Inventario Taxonomico de Drosophilidae (Diptera) en el Parque Nacional Yasuni, Amazonia Ecuatoriana. Acurio, A.E. 2009-12-31 Acta Amazon. null null
805115 10.5281/zenodo.805115 Nucleotide Sequence Comparison of the rp49 Gene Region between Drosophila subobscura and D. melanogaster. Agnew, M. 1988-12-31 Molececular Biology and Evolution aguade_1988.pdf md5:89537969decb557519f2036eaf18fa4f
805089 10.5281/zenodo.805089 Insects injurious to man and stock in Zanzibar. Aders, W.M. 1916-12-31 Bulletin of Entomological Research aders_1916.pdf md5:d1d4f36de1d65506cba32afe65606936
805107 10.5281/zenodo.805107 Morphological differences in larval D. melanogaster and simulans. Agnew, J.D. 1973-12-31 D. I. S. agnew_1973b.pdf md5:f5ca0eba43cb651c46b5887fbc8ac7ed
805563 10.5281/zenodo.805563 Adh and Adh-dup sequences of Drosophila lebanonensis and D. immigrans: interspecies comparisons. Albalat, R. 1993-12-31 Gene albalat__gonzalez_1993.pdf md5:d15b37a97f6dff05ee3595c7b61bca1a
805127 10.5281/zenodo.805127 Interspecific hybrids of Drosophila heteroneura and D. silvestris. I. Courtship success. Ahearn, J.N. 1989-03-15 Evolution ahearn__templeton_1989.pdf md5:59eb79f732c91726b1d3c2ffdc8c5b03
805125 10.5281/zenodo.805125 Aldehyde oxidase distribution in picture-winged Hawaiian Drosophila: evolutionary trends. Ahearn, J.N. 1981-07-21 Evolution ahearn__kuhn_1981.pdf md5:fe1566a2e66087753abd3fcc9076cbf9
805091 10.5281/zenodo.805091 Insects injurious to man and stock in Zanzibar. Aders, W.M. 1917-06-18 Bull. Ent. Res. aders_1917.pdf md5:4e9be6da70df13b1e37398592ee635a9
jhpoelen commented 5 months ago

use name-title pairs as filter

 | mlr --tsvlite cut -f name,title\
 | tail -n+2\
 | awk -F '\t' '{ print $2 ".*" $1 }'\
 > matches.grep

to select related publications from references.tsv as derived from DROS5

cat tsv/references.tsv\
 | grep -f matches.grep\
 | tee preexisting-references.tsv.txt\
 | wc -l

yielding 180


jhpoelen commented 5 months ago

@slint @myrmoteras I had a look at the records related to TaxoDros that were uploaded to Zenodo some time ago in 2017. There's 183 associated record with ids listed below. I saw that many of these publications actually have pre-existing dois (e.g., 10.1111/j.1744-7429.2010.00628.x vs 10.5281/zenodo.805071 ).

This is why I was wondering whether it'd be better to remove the zenodo publication altogether, and start clean with the 20k TaxoDros records.

Please advise.

jhpoelen commented 4 months ago

I've added taxodros lsid to preexisting TaxoDros literature records in Zenodo.

note that the LSID is constructed from the id provided by TaxoDros. This identifier is used to link TaxoDros records to their Zenodo counter part.

LSID syntax -[url encoded taxodros text segment id]

example LSID -

as extracted from:

anderson et al., 1967a
.A Anderson, W.W., Dobzhansky, T., & Kastritsis, C.D.,
.J 1967
.S Selection and inversion polymorphism in experimental
populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura initiated
with the chromosomal constitutions of natural populations.
.Z Evolution, 21:664-671.
.K ocr++ / 1967a / doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.1967.tb03423.x
.P Anderson et al., 1967a.pdf

Note that "%" encodings to handle whitespaces, commas etc.

Also, I added those records to the TaxoDros Zenodo community. The TaxoDros community also includes the TaxoDros index publication. This account for the extra publication (183 + 1 = 184)

See attached screenshot of for results. Also, see list of preexisting taxadros results retrieved on 2024-02-28 taxodros-preexisting.json

Screenshot from 2024-02-28 10-10-30 Screenshot from 2024-02-28 10-10-01 Screenshot from 2024-02-28 10-09-54

jhpoelen commented 4 months ago

With this, the preexisting TaxoDros records have been identified and added to the TaxoDros community.

@myrmoteras please feel free to reopen is you see any issues.