TaylorSMarks / playsound

Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds.
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初始化 MCI 时发生问题。 #113

Open jimmy0k opened 2 years ago

jimmy0k commented 2 years ago

environment:win10,python3.8.3, playshoud1.3.0 . error information: playsound('notice-text.mp3') File "C:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\playsound.py", line 72, in _playsoundWin winCommand(u'open {}'.format(sound)) File "C:\Users\Administrator\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\playsound.py", line 64, in winCommand raise PlaysoundException(exceptionMessage) playsound.PlaysoundException: Error 277 for command: open notice-text.mp3 初始化 MCI 时发生问题。

JiZhang495 commented 2 years ago

Try downgrading to version 1.2.2

pip uninstall playsound
pip install playsound==1.2.2
Nicolasking007 commented 2 years ago

excellent !!!