TaylorSMarks / playsound

Pure Python, cross platform, single function module with no dependencies for playing sounds.
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playsound does not work through Supervisor #126

Open momohuangsha opened 1 year ago

momohuangsha commented 1 year ago

Hi~ It does not work when executing Python programs (playing audio with playsound) through Supervisor Other functions are normal except playsound does not work my config like this: [program:ocr] directory=/home/firefly/worspace/PPOCR command=/home/firefly/anaconda3/envs/py37/bin/python /home/firefly/workspace/PPOCR/ttt.py numprocs=1 autostart=true autorestart=true startretries=5 exitcodes=0 stopsignal=KILL stopasgroup=true killasgroup=true stopwaitsecs=3 redirect_stderr=true stdout_logfile=/home/firefly/workspace/PPOCR/supervisor.log user=firefly