Tayyibyasin7860 / School-Management-System

A Laravel 6 based, Multi-tanent School Management System with database migrations which can be used for multiple schools at a time. There are three users: Super Admin, School Admin and Student. Moreover Laravel-Backpack is used to build Admin Panel. Live demo here:
64 stars 36 forks source link

Social Login #1

Open Tayyibyasin7860 opened 4 years ago

Tayyibyasin7860 commented 4 years ago

Login and sign up using social channels is to be implemented:

hasanmonfared commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm interested in working on the project and the project looked , but I got to run the command {php artisan XXX} this error: In ProviderRepository.php line 208:

Class 'Backpack\NewsCRUD\NewsCRUDServiceProvider' not found

Tayyibyasin7860 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm interested in working on the project and the project looked , but I got to run the command {php artisan XXX} this error: In ProviderRepository.php line 208:

Class 'Backpack\NewsCRUD\NewsCRUDServiceProvider' not found

Have you run "composer install" after cloning or not? If no then do this first and then let me know if the issue is not fixed :)