Tazaf / IonicitudeDemoApp

This app is a demonstration of an Ionic App that implements Ionicitude and uses the Wikitude Cordova Plugin
Apache License 2.0
9 stars 13 forks source link

DemoApp dont react to images #3

Closed FredrikHa closed 8 years ago

FredrikHa commented 8 years ago

Hi! Thanks for the demo app.

Having some issues to get the app to work correctly. None of the demos work.

Followed all of your steps and no luck... I have installed my trail license inside WikitudePlugin.js Running on my iPhone.

Any suggestions?

Tazaf commented 8 years ago

Hi !

What do you mean by "none of the demos work" ? Do you have any error message in any of the console ? Can you launch the demos but nothing happens when they're launched ?

Also, on which iOS version is your phone running ?

FredrikHa commented 8 years ago

No error message in the console. Yes, the demos is running and the trail message is showing in front of the camera live preview. But the AR is not showing.

Using iOS 9.3.3

Tazaf commented 8 years ago

What demo(s) did you launch ? Because most of them requires you to scan a specific picture to actually see AR on the screen (that's the case for at least the first 15 demos). Normally, these required pictures should be shown in a small header bar in the demo, and you can find most of them in a pdf here.

None of them shows some AR right when it starts (except maybe the solar system demo at the bottom of the list, or the geo-based demos).

FredrikHa commented 8 years ago

I have tried to scan the pictures in the pdf. The solar system demo does not work correctly either.

This is my console log in Xcode:

2016-08-11 11:29:37.987 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] ----------------- Wikitude SDK REQUIREMENT NOT FULFILLED -----------------
2016-08-11 11:29:37.987 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] CoreLocation Authorization Status is not determined - All ARchitect World load requests are on hold!
2016-08-11 11:29:37.987 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] This problem occurs because you've called the method 'loadArchitecteWorldFromURL:withRequiredFeatures:' with a feature that contains Geo Requirements.
2016-08-11 11:29:37.987 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] To resolve this problem, either accept the iOS location access prompt or make sure that the 'NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription' key is defined in your applications Info.plist.
2016-08-11 11:29:37.987 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] Set the key's value to e.g. 'Access to GPS information is needed to display POIs around your current location'.
2016-08-11 11:29:37.989 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] Affected URL's: 
2016-08-11 11:29:37.993 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410]   URL: file:///var/containers/Bundle/Application/9DDC0DF3-CC4E-4729-B89A-026A3D149B3E/Ionicitude%20Demo.app/www/wikitude-worlds/1_ClientRecognition_1_ImageOnTarget/index.html
2016-08-11 11:29:37.993 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410] --------------------------------------------------------------------------
2016-08-11 11:29:37.994 Ionicitude Demo[9542:3250410]
Tazaf commented 8 years ago

OK. Yeah, I've run into this problem also.

It's not related to Ionicitude, but rather to how Cordova asks for the geolocation permissions in iOS9 (and 8, if I'm not mistaken). As you can see, the message explains that the demo asks for the permission to access the geolocation, but where never given the right to do so. The message also talks about an 'NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription' key in your Info.plist.

When confronted with this issue, I followed this thread with one of my test devices and that worked, althought I can't seem to remember if it was an iOS9 or iOS8 device. (Note that after manually adding the keys in your Info.plist, subsequent build of the app will keep these keys, so you won't have to do this all over again.)

Hope that will help !

FredrikHa commented 8 years ago

Whohoo! Thank you!!

Now it works perfekt. <3