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713. Subarray Product Less Than K #333

Open Tcdian opened 3 years ago

Tcdian commented 3 years ago

713. Subarray Product Less Than K

给定一个正整数数组 nums

找出该数组内乘积小于 k 的连续的子数组的个数。


Input: nums = [10, 5, 2, 6], k = 100
Output: 8
Explanation: The 8 subarrays that have product less than 100 are: [10], [5], [2], [6], [10, 5], [5, 2], [2, 6], [5, 2, 6].
Note that [10, 5, 2] is not included as the product of 100 is not strictly less than k.


Tcdian commented 3 years ago


 * @param {number[]} nums
 * @param {number} k
 * @return {number}
var numSubarrayProductLessThanK = function(nums, k) {
    if (k <= 1) {
        return 0;
    let left = 0;
    let right = 0;
    let prefix = 1;
    let result = 0;
    while(left < nums.length) {
        while(prefix < k && right < nums.length) {
            prefix *= nums[right++];
        result += right - left;
        if (prefix >= k) {
        prefix /= nums[left++];
    return result;
function numSubarrayProductLessThanK(nums: number[], k: number): number {
    if (k <= 1) {
        return 0;
    let left = 0;
    let right = 0;
    let prefix = 1;
    let result = 0;
    while(left < nums.length) {
        while(prefix < k && right < nums.length) {
            prefix *= nums[right++];
        result += right - left;
        if (prefix >= k) {
        prefix /= nums[left++];
    return result;