Open joshbis opened 2 weeks ago
In my case, I used plink 1.9 for the difference tests. GLM in plink2 can be used, but since it uses approximation in the calculation, I think Fisher's test from plink 1.9 would be better.
Below is the script that I used.
plink --vcf data/BioVU/EUR_imputed/chrX.dose.vcf.gz --pheno pheno_EUR.txt --pheno-name SEX --assoc fisher --allow-no-sex --out Xchr.BioVU.diffMAF
Also, I would like to note that --allow-no-sex flag is necessary, since the sex information is removed from the .fam file, and plink ignores the cases without the sex information in the .fam file.
I hope this would be helpful.
Thank you.