TeXitoi / keyseebee

KeySeeBee is a split ergo keyboard. It is only 2 PCB (so the name) with (almost) only SMD components on it. It's only a keyboard, no LED, no display, nothing more than keys and USB.
MIT License
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Choc Spacing #5

Closed ibnuda closed 3 years ago

ibnuda commented 3 years ago

it uses choc spacing. it should close #2.

TeXitoi commented 3 years ago

Ho, great!

I'll try to look at it. What I'll look (more for me as a reminder):

ibnuda commented 3 years ago
  1. yes. choc only footprint.
  2. yes. the footprint is 18mm wide and 17mm tall.
  3. yes, the thumbs are offset by 9mm.
  4. yes, symmetric, as far as i can tell.
TeXitoi commented 3 years ago

First, sorry to have taken so much time to review this.

I'm sorry, but I finally don't want to have these in this repository. I don't want to take the responsibility of them, and I prefer to have a unique official version with choc and mx compatibility.

I'd happily link to a repo with these PCB. They can keep the KeySeeBee name, or change the name, or add some postfix. You can do whatever you want with the by TeXitoi: remove it, keep it, add your name, change it with your name.

Now, a few remarks about the PCB (a review, with personal remarks, taking them or not into account is not required for me adding a link to them).

The cut outline is supposed to pass exactly at the angles of the switch footprint spacing. That's near but not exactly on it to most, but that's clearly not the case at the top. It should be easily fixable (by using a millimeter grid).

I think the switch placement is not perfect: we can see that the outline of the switch doesn't match exactly from one to another. Using a millimeter grid, you can easily have a perfect match.

The angle of the extreme thumb switch was calculated to correspond to the triangle formed by the surrounding switches. As choc spacing is not square, the angle doesn't match anymore. It can thus be ajusted to arctan(9/17) ≈ 27.9°.

The cutout outline around the extreme thumb switch is supposed to be tangential to the switch outline.

There is some diodes under the outline of the extreme thumb. I think there must be no components under the outline of the switches. It will allow to use a plate.

The top cut outline, where the connectors are, is not aligned with the first switch. But, to do this alignment, the components would need to be rearranged, and that's a lot of work. I think it is OK if this outline is between the top of the first column, and the top of the highest column. I've checked, and it's doable, even by moving everything up to not have any component under the switch outlines.

Thanks for the contribution!

ibnuda commented 3 years ago

not a problem, chief.😎