Team-Awkward-Smile / Epilogue

A 2D side-scroller game inspired by Contra, Splatterhouse, Doom, and works of HR Gieger.
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Define some features and techniques in more detail #137

Closed vitormaduro closed 1 year ago

vitormaduro commented 1 year ago

Instead of a combat document, I decided to write all my questions in a single place, allowing us to have a more in depth discussion regarding each item. The questions are divided in categories, and are not ordered in any way (so the first questions are not specifically the most important ones, just the ones I thought about first while writing).




Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago


1) Combat Questions Answered + Extras

• Regular Enemies will – A) Shoot You With Projectile, and B) Use Melee. The usage will be depended on how far the enemy is from you. If the enemy is far away, it will use its projectile, and if its close then it will use Melee.

• Regular Enemies will also have a third attack – Glory State Attack. Basically, when they first go into glory kill, they start blinking and are in a stunned state for a while (seconds many vary for said stun state from enemy to enemy, depending on weight and attack damage categories for balance), and if you don't kill them in said stun state, they'll get up to attack while still blinking. NO HEALTH WOULD BE RESTORED FOR THEM. Their health is still down to the glory kill parameter and they would still be blinking like they do in the glory kill state, but they would just get up to attack their special attack, which could either be melee or projectile, depending on the enemy, and said attack will do twice the damage of their regular melee or projectile attack.

• Upon seeing you enemies try to get slightly closer to you. Certain enemies like Icarsia will even try to chase you, while some like the TUC may try to maintain their distance to the best of the possiblility. But if they aren't standing on an elevated platform on a vertical distance, and are standing on a horizontal distance, they will definitely try to get as closer as possible.

• If an enemy is on a vertical platform above you, even if that means he is just cms away, he will perform a projectile.

• The platforms will not have any collision to bullets, on the ground, ceilings, and walls do, like classic contra games.

• The environmental enemies will mostly have one form of attack, as they act more as traps than actual regular enemies. They don't enter glory kill state or have any weapons to give, and most die in one or two bullets when hit at the sweet spot.

• The expected time to kill will depend from enemy to enemy to determine, but yeah, the atmost an enemy may take is seven bullets to kill. Again, this depends on the enemy vs. the gun type, but at most an enemy may take a player to kill should be around 6-8 seconds of good shots with a gun that is weak against said enemy.

• The Guns will use fast moving projectile. RayCast may play messy, and unique projectiles may give uniqueness to guns.

• The Weight Of Gun will not have any effect on Hestmor's speed or stats.

• That's a thing I have been combating a little with myself, but perhaps yes and no. If you are talking about to the enemies, then I think I have already explained that its gun-enemy relation, not an element-enemy relation as each gun only has one element. However, in case of enemies getting into traps like getting hit by a fire from a trap, then they would have the same amount of damage as in from the gun of that element. Like if say the fire gun is a flamethrower, and exposure to 1.1 seconds of fire killed the enemy, then if the enemy is exposed to the fire for same amount of time, then it would die similarly.

• In case of damage types in relation to Hestmor, then every attack, that is not specialized attack from the glory kill state, does a one HP damage to her health. Get the amount of health times you have, and you'll die. There is one status after effect though, and that is poison. This is not in relation to any of the regular enemy, but the environmental enemy. If said environmental enemy gets a hit on you with a poison projectile, like moss plant of guwama, then your health will keep draining, until you have killed them. Moss plants of guwama die from everything except the water gun in one hit, so it shouldn't be a problem in terms of timing.

• At first I wasn't thinking this, but yeah, now that I think if Hestmor gets hit, then she will have a knockback.

• When growling, Enemies will have a "get the fuck away" from her meter, where they may not try to get close to Hestmor. So for example of Icarasia, growling 1 will keep them away for 3 seconds, growling 2 for 5 seconds, and growling 3 for 10 seconds (just example). They will also have a "No Attack" period, that will be smaller than the "get the fuck away" from her period, in which they won't attempt an attack on Hestmor, even with a projectile. Both period of "get the fuck away from her" and "No Attack" will be given separately to depending on the enemy and defined on an excel sheet later on.

• Bosses will have vision cones, like Foki-Umia and Spider-mother, in certain chase scenarios. However, I am half-half on the regular enemies. For now, with regular enemies they will attack as soon as you enter, and I think for a faster pacing that maybe better. For there is no point where you will have to sneak away from regular enemies.

• If the player someone manages to runaway from the enemy but is still in the same room, then that previous enemy may try to chase you under the confinement of said room. Once a room is exited, they will not follow

• Yes, Hestmor will be able to be damaged when try to execute a glory kill. That is where the "fast glory kill" and "slow glory kill" idea comes to play. For if the player, is choosing slow glory kill they get more ammo but are more exposed to enemy attack for long. Vice versa for the fast glory kill.

• If Hestmor gets hit anytime during executing a glory kill, she will get a knock back, resulting in her having to do the glory kill all over again.

• No combos. Just one single swipe. Though I may like to keep the combo idea for future entries or different games, for now it’s a single swipe to keep things more simpler. Combos may become messy.

Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago


2) Gameplay Questions Answered + Extras

• Yes, the player maybe be able to remap controls. Movement and Combat keys can be remapped to their heart's desire. The only UI button that player can remap is the Pause Button. Other UI buttons and controls are fixed.

• Yes, the player will be able to adjust some settings. The major and obvious one being Mouse Sensitivity. About the run button. First of all when starting the game and kicking in a new game or new game+, the game will ask you about your playstyle choice. If the player is just on computer, they will get choice between Keyboard & Mouse (Modern) or Just Keyboard (Retro). If a control input is detected, then it will ask for two more options – Analog (Modern) or D-pad (Retro). When choosing any one of them, the game will pop a message, "the controls and toggles have now been mapped for optimal play with your playstyle and device choice– to change it go to settings", which means that in case the player has by any means remap any controls, the control will now reset to our definitive layout in context to said playstyle. For example, while every other playstyle will require you to hold the run button, the retro controller will have you toggle run with select button. The player will be given choice to change said things on settings, including their run choice of either it being toggle or hold, like if you are mad enough, you can make run to hold in retro controller mode. Meaning that if you are going by default controls provided, then you will have to press select with d-pad to run. Maybe we can even make a special achievement for the idiots who decide to use HOLD RUN with retro controller mode. 

• Crawling animation is up-slope only and that after a certain angle. Hestmor will simple walk when downslope. In case of stairs, we may need a separate walking up and walking down animation.

• No, the player will not be able to crouch and move. Crouch is a dodge-move, not a movement.

• Hestmor will always remain at the centre of the screen, so it is Megaman X camera that we are following. In that, the screen will keep scrolling. The current branches you have provided seems to follow that, so that is good, as we don't need to change anything in terms of camera. The rooms in a sense, define the checkpoints and saving points. When entering a new room, the player will have a checkpoint and an autosave (in New Game and New Game+), and any enemy that was chasing them in the previous room, will not be following her.

Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago

@vitormaduro 3) Graphics questions answered • This one needs some discussion with the artist. Lorenzo (Skaers) suggested that we go with each weapon almost becoming an ornament on Hestmor's naked skin. So, chances are we may need to make all sprites with each weapon from scratch. But I obviously need to find more optimal way around this, so I will have it on discussion with mint and other artists on a vc on August 24 (cannot do August 17 since its my birthday). I am keeping the box on this unchecked, because it may still need answering.

• I think I kind of answered it, but again, the crawling animation only plays up-slope or in tight spaces. During both of which you will just be pressing forward. Crouch and crawl is not an option. You won't be crawling downwards…because where's the fun in that.

Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago

@vitormaduro oops, forgot to answer one more question.

About the NPC that is killable thing.

Okay, so you already know that Tupois is consumable, since you can press growl and eat them.

And if you are upto date with the finale of the script, yes, the NPC of Priests of Zagara, both new and old, are killable. They just run away like chicken and can be killed in one hit by anyone, and will splatter huge, ridiculous, amounts of blood all over the place.

Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago

@vitormaduro while monster in damage is possible, aka, if a monster gets in way of another monster's projectile, it may damage the monster. Monster in-fighting is not a thing. Since due to lore reasons, all monsters are under mind control, they will not try to fight each other, and will keep their focus on hestmor.

Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago

@vitormaduro Gameplay new questions, answers.

1) No. To keep the experience more unified across gamepads and pc, hestmor will only run when the run button is held, and would have a unified scheme with both control schemes to keep a sense of consistency.

2) The idle and walking attacks will not mess with Hestmor's momentum, but the run attack will provide Hestmor with a slight slide afterwards. I have sent mint the details on that. About the pouncing, I think a similar case can be made of it locking the player in a forward momentum, similar to the run attack.

3) No, because I feel that lock-on system can bring its own set of issues, and I feel like a little challenge for the player is never a bad thing. Maybe for any future projects I might consider lock-on, but for now, no.

Pseudo-64 commented 1 year ago

@vitormaduro I think the remaining feature question of "Will Hestmor hold the gun" is kind of answered if you were present there for the last voice chat. As obviously mentioned, it maybe ornamental as to give Hestmor a different appearance. Since technically that is answered, I am closing this issue (if need be, you can re-open it), and creating a separate new issue regarding brainstorming for the reducing the amount of work for animation and to be able to do them swiftly, which is obviously our current big issue at hand, as a big fear is the amount of animation and re-animation it may take to re-do movements to fit the weapon at hand.