Team-Half-and-Half / spirebooks

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Review 2: ImportSheet.jsx and Landing.jsx #68

Open beydlern opened 3 days ago

beydlern commented 3 days ago


Please pay attention too:

Review Branch


Files to review


Due date

Monday, 9/23/2024

For more information

The review process is documented at:

t-tirabassi commented 3 days ago


Design-07: Minor comments could be added to explain lines 15 and 29 to ensure readability

React-01: The file upload on line 34 and the data display on lines 35-40 could be made into smaller components that way they can be isolated and imported into the ImportSheet page


Design-07: The different sections could be split up into subcomponents for better organization

JS-04: Some of the repeating classNames could be condensed into a CSS class