Team-Harmony-Dev / LiveColor

LiveColor is an Android app project that aims to provide a clean and practical color-picking experience for on the go. This app stems from a quarter-long project for the CSE115a software design class at UCSC.
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Refresh recycler lists by swiping down from the top (SavedColors, Palettes, PaletteInfo) #72

Closed PaigeRiola closed 4 years ago

PaigeRiola commented 4 years ago

Allow the user to manually refresh a list by swiping downwards from the top of the list. Might want to make a more efficient method for refreshing the lists along with this.

PaigeRiola commented 4 years ago

List already refreshes when switching from the fragment or another activity. There would never be an instance for refresh to provide any new information to the list (besides possible updating color names). Would also cause conflicts with the current style of animation.