Team-Hibiscus / NaturesDelight

Nature's Spirit x Farmers' Delight
2 stars 2 forks source link

[1.6] Resource Reload failure #6

Open MoriyaShiine opened 1 month ago

MoriyaShiine commented 1 month ago

I'm going to be so real, I have no idea what causes this. Your mod is a victim to the greater deities of registry loading and is caught in the crossfire of divine retribution for our technological sins.

Having the mod installed by itself will cause Nature's Spirit cheese arrow entities to cause Minecraft's pig entity model to fail to load, causing a resource reload on startup but an eventual crash when you load into a world. Having Create installed will additionally cause an immediate crash on startup for the same reason. The "fix" is disabling cheese arrows in Nature's Spirit's config file.

Nature's Spirit works by itself (as well as with Create), but having this mod installed as well will cause cheese to rend the swines from reality despite this mod not touching cheese arrows at all from a code glance.

I apologize for bringing this to your attention, I would pull request but I have no idea where to even begin debugging this.


Dantigator commented 1 month ago

I had the same problem.