Team-Monogram / Reading-Rainbow

SBHacks hackathon project.
MIT License
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How the UI functions and looks. #18

Closed brianly01 closed 3 years ago

brianly01 commented 3 years ago

Download for offline viewing? Slide out tab for Currently Reading, To Read, Finished, Downloaded. Search bar: to look through all the light novels such as title, author, genre/category Grid or list view for the results, with infinite scroll or showing 20 results per page? Show an icon for the cover, above would be the title, underneath like a by line would be Author, Number of Pages, Genre Release Date Each light novel is separated by a line

brianly01 commented 3 years ago

When Reading the Light Novel, Show source (website) where the light novel was found On the bottom a plus icon which shows a menu to download icon, add to Currently Reading, add To read, or add to finished. Swipe pages left or right depending on material, such as manga, book or light novel. At the end of the book, have an message saying Thank you for reading "Author's book," Click here to add to your list of finished books.

brianly01 commented 3 years ago

Create a basic mockup for UI on Figma