It would be good to know what our code does. The C++ code currently has little/no docstrings for each function.
The objective of this ticket is to add docstrings to the header files of the intake code. This includes Intake.h and IntakeIO.h. In each header file, each function should have a docstring that looks like this:
* Summary of what this function does
* @param arg1 Description of arg1
* @param arg2 Description of arg2
* ...
* @param argN Description of argN
* @return Description of what returns (and in some cases why)
return_type function_name(data_type arg1, data_type arg2, ..., data_type argN);
So for example:
* Sets the power of the intake
* @param power New power for the intake.
* @return True on success, false on failure
bool SetIntakePower(const double &power);
Work To Do
Add docstrings in the prescribed format for the drivetrain code
Deferred Work
Use doxygen to compile the documentation into an API
This is a partner issue to #14
Summary It would be good to know what our code does. The C++ code currently has little/no docstrings for each function.
The objective of this ticket is to add docstrings to the header files of the intake code. This includes Intake.h and IntakeIO.h. In each header file, each function should have a docstring that looks like this:
So for example:
Work To Do
Deferred Work