Team-RTG / Realistic-Terrain-Generation

The Realistic Terrain Generation mod for Minecraft.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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A few changes... #159

Closed Ezoteric closed 8 years ago

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

Isnt this what we all wanted to see ?


Dream-Master commented 8 years ago


So what you are using for it. RTG and Bop or only Vanilla ? With or without Thaumcraft ?

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

I just posted this as a reminder that this is where it should end with.

This map is made by hand but funny is that the desert is almost the same but the hills are lower in the map and that is what I still need to do. The other stuff can be done as well if you have noise knowledge.

But trust me, this IS possible.

whichonespink44 commented 8 years ago

That looks great! As long as we can find a vanilla biome for the volcanoes to live, that's fine by me. I think the Ocean & Deep Ocean biomes would be the best candidate for those. Sure, it might look weird in F3 if it says Ocean as the biome, but you're actually walking on a tropical island, but I think it would be fine.

What do you guys think?

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

That's why I would want to name it but islands are layers not biomes so we need to check into that. Even tho I would say make a biome as it's better I think

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

Btw in your F3 code, i will fix that also, cause with hotbiome for example it doesnt show the subbiome and with jimmies it did :P

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

Hmmz I think you made the F3 code differently ? Cause all I had to do with jimmies was add string name in realistic biome Base and in all the biome files

Razorskills commented 8 years ago

Do you think it would be possible in the future if this is implemented to be able to use project red basalt for volcanos if it is available? Then you could disable the PR ones and use realistic ones. Or perhaps the "valcano" rock blocks could be changable depending on what mod someone hsd that adds volcanos. Or they could have 2 different types of volcanos.. An ugly one and a nice one. But then you wouldn't be able to find basalt. Which is why im suggesting the base volcane block could be a bit modular.

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

Yes, that was something i wanted to do for villages as well with chisel 2 :P

I think its possible but i was thinking of using black stained clay with a rare mix of coal blocks up in there. seems nice and its still vanilla (shame we cant use bedrock for that haha)

Razorskills commented 8 years ago

Perhaps a config allowing you to change the black stained clay to a different block would make anyone wanting to do this with any mod happy?

Razorskills commented 8 years ago

That is, if you are willing to do that. (github mobile.. Why can't i edit my previous posts?)

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

set it on desktop mode and you can.

Anyway i think we already gonna make a option for stuff like that, well see ;)

whichonespink44 commented 8 years ago

"Anyway i think we already gonna make a option for stuff like that, well see ;)"

Yeah, if we can get these tropical island/volcanoes added into an existing biome (e.g. Ocean/Deep Ocean), then it should be easy enough to add a config option to choose which blocks are used for the volcano, including support for blocks added by other mods.

Ezoteric commented 8 years ago

Yes about the volcano island. I think a easy way is add a mushroomisland file and edit that to our volcano island. Then we can have both and a option for 1 of the 2 and what blocks used for the volcano. But I think the coolest will be blackstained clay with a few Coalblocks. Bedrock is just silly and obsidian too much of a cheat haha