Team-Silver-Sphere / SquadJS

Squad Server Script Framework
Boost Software License 1.0
163 stars 123 forks source link

Rollback on commit #341

Closed CodeRedDev closed 8 months ago

CodeRedDev commented 8 months ago

Removes the unnecessary and bug triggering check for .js postfix on plugin property from config

Fixes #338

werewolfboy13 commented 8 months ago

Not approving PR unless supporting documentation is given.

CodeRedDev commented 8 months ago

@Zer0-1ne put the check this PR is removing here by accident and unfortunately did not remove them in his latest commits.

The check here inside factory.js does not check against file identifiers it check against the plugin properties of the plugins inside config.json and as they are never having a .js postfix, non of the plugins will be added to the servers plugins list and non will be mounted.

werewolfboy13 commented 8 months ago

Apologies, I see what is going here. My IDE was not loading this PR correctly. Pushing for approval.

werewolfboy13 commented 8 months ago

@Zer0-1ne I will need you to double check your other commits to make sure its placed correctly when able.

Zer0-1ne commented 8 months ago

I seriously dont understand why it worked beforehand, but I've checked and its in the correct place, sorry about that.