TAU- Twitch API Unifier, a containerized relay/proxy to unify the WebHook- and WebSocket-based real-time Twitch APIs under a single (local) WebSocket connection.
Describe the bug
Hi guys, everytime I try to deploy this, I have a timeout on the callback.
First time I access the service, I have to set up a login/password and then set my channel name.
After that I have to Authorize twicth, and then I am redirected to url:port/twitch-callback/code=*** and then it always time out.
Describe the bug Hi guys, everytime I try to deploy this, I have a timeout on the callback. First time I access the service, I have to set up a login/password and then set my channel name. After that I have to Authorize twicth, and then I am redirected to url:port/twitch-callback/code=*** and then it always time out.
I must be missing something but can't find what
Here is my .env
POSTGRES_PW=here_a_password DJANGO_DB_PW=here_another_one DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=random_secret PUBLIC_URL=vps.*****.ovh PORT=5002 TWITCH_WEBHOOK_SECRET=secret_password_again PROTOCOL=https: TWITCH_CLIENT_ID=a client id TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET=a client secret USE_NGROCK=False DEBUG_TWITCH_CALLS=True
Here are callback links on my twitch app : https://vps.******.ovh:5002/twitch-callback/ https://vps.******.ovh:5002/api/v1/chat-bots/twitch-callback/
Thank you all