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Why so long ? #19

Open TDL77 opened 9 months ago

TDL77 commented 9 months ago

has been counting for several hours and the end is not even visible, on such a small dataset as real_path = "Real_Datasets/Adult.csv"

zhao-zilong commented 9 months ago

Hi @TDL77 could you share more details? with only this description, I cannot locate the problems. Normally it is very fast.

TDL77 commented 9 months ago

trying to play the file Experiment_Script_Adult.ipynb

I did this earlier on another computer and it took several days, I couldn’t wait and interrupted it, just launched it on my home laptop image image

zhao-zilong commented 9 months ago

@TDL77 in which step you blocked? training or sampling?

TDL77 commented 9 months ago

traning stage

[tool.poetry] name = "ctab-gan-plus" version = "0.1.0" description = "" authors = ["TDL"] readme = ""

[tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.10" numpy = "1.21.0" torch = "^2.2.1" pandas = "1.2.4" scikit-learn = "^1.4.1.post1" dython = "0.6.4.post1" tqdm = "^4.66.2"

[] ipykernel = "^6.29.3"

[build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"


zhao-zilong commented 9 months ago

You can first set num_exp = 1 so that it will not train for 5 times as now. But still, if there is no error, and it just blocks there, I cannot think about the reason. I think you may need to add more prints in the fit function to see which function blocks the process.

TDL77 commented 9 months ago

I can’t figure out where it gets stuck?!

photo_2024-03-04_17-51-44 photo_2024-03-04_17-51-37 photo_2024-03-04_17-51-41

nayemmajhar commented 7 months ago

@TDL77 Were you able to generate a sample dataset? I am facing the same issue. The model fits with data but generating a sample dataset takes infinity time.

TDL77 commented 7 months ago

@TDL77 Were you able to generate a sample dataset? I am facing the same issue. The model fits with data but generating a sample dataset takes infinity time.


zhao-zilong commented 7 months ago

@nayemmajhar are you fitting with the demo dataset? If you are fitting another dataset, you may experience this error:

zhao-zilong commented 7 months ago

@TDL77 sorry to hear that, so after you putting the print, in which step the code stops?

nayemmajhar commented 7 months ago

@nayemmajhar are you fitting with the demo dataset? If you are fitting another dataset, you may experience this error: #7 (comment)

I am using demo data for training.

zhao-zilong commented 7 months ago

@nayemmajhar with Adult dataset? is that possible for you to print some information to see in which line of code it stops? This demo has been run many times by me and my colleagues, should run without problems.