Closed Lyy0617 closed 11 months ago
Hi @Lyy0617 your question is too general, could you elaborate it more? What constraints do you want to implement on the generated data?
Thank you very much for your reply. As my question needs a picture description, I give a detailed description of the problem on Attach file. I look forward to hearing from you again. @zhao-zilong Question.docx
@Lyy0617 I have read your document, here are my answers: Q1: I don't think we can add that type of physics law here Q2: check this line of code where we filter the generation before release the data: if you don't want to have this limitation, you can have the generation out of bound. Q3: To control the generation based on a given "continuous" value, now it is not supported by CTAB-GAN(+). We only train based on the mode of multi-gaussian-mixture, so roughly the local of the continuous value as the condition, not exactly the value.
I want to add constraints to generate data. What should I do?