Team-U /

An unofficial group of Udacity Alumni and Grow with Google Scholars staying connected through code and collaboration
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Feature: Group Team-U people by Nano Degree #3

Open scrabill opened 5 years ago

scrabill commented 5 years ago

I was thinking for when this list gets longer, it may be helpful to have people grouped by some common factor. At first I was thinking current title, but that may not be relevant since some people may be changing jobs or have skills that do not reflect their title.

How about grouping people by the nanodegree (or degrees) that they have completed? Something like this

Who we are:

Mobile Web Specialist


Include the NanoDegree as part of their entry

Who we are:

OR, another option entirely, encourage people to include a list of a few interests along with their contact info

chadpjontek commented 5 years ago

Yeah, I'm definitely up to changes on this. Jerome said he wanted to work on a landing page for us. Whatever we decide I would like to have a good structure and visibility for new visitors to see us as well as make it easy for newcomers to our group by being able to a simple PR.

patriciarrsilva commented 5 years ago

I like the first suggestion better (grouping by nanodegree) :)

chadpjontek commented 5 years ago

@PlaySnowi I do like how it looks with each Nanodegree section but there are some people that have completed multiple ones. Perhaps @scrabill idea of including it as part of the entry?

coding-catie commented 5 years ago

Having the nanodegree(s) as part of the entry sounds good. We can just make sure that upon merging their entry, that it is properly capitalized and such (unless that doesn't bother anyone else, lol).

chadpjontek commented 5 years ago

That sounds good @catielynncodes . I think it will look better if it's uniform so yeah we should capitalize them. We can also add links to the certs themselves so like:

Does everyone think that is ok?

P.S. I'm not actually FE certified I just put as an example!

ATMalcolm commented 5 years ago

Looks good to me.

On Fri, Oct 19, 2018, 2:07 PM Chad Pjontek wrote:

That sounds good @catielynncodes . I think it will look better if it's uniform so yeah we should capitalize them. So like:

Does everyone think that is ok?

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DavidJBrin commented 5 years ago

Organizing by program helps with team building too so that way as we expand and start relying on subject matter expertise and refining bits of projects, we can target based on initial program track.

chadpjontek commented 5 years ago

Ok I just changed the instructions to include Nanodegrees in the entry for those that have obtained them.

notacouch commented 5 years ago

I think it helps to include what role we'll play in our careers and/or here. E.g. my nanodegree is MWS, so I like the convention Chad started with linking to that (grad cert if you completed, or scholarship cert if that's the last thing you got from Udacity). But that doesn't say anything about my frontend/backend/fullstack chops (nor should someone have to peruse through our github, linkedin, etc. to figure that out). More importantly, I would prefer to minimize non-frontend activity. So by saying somewhere, "Frontend Developer", it helps indicate for others where this member might fit or want to fit. And since it wouldn't be a link, it'll already have contrast from the other stuff next to our names.

We could always make this aspect a wiki entry instead of part of the README, no?

chadpjontek commented 5 years ago

I agree that we need a way of sharing more about ourselves. This README is a first step of getting people involved quickly and easily with our group. I set this repo up to be a Github pages site so we can create a nice front-end experience for everyone. When it is finished we can link to it from here.

I've just created a team called Contributors. This team will be responsible for developing and maintaining our main Github Pages site. Drop a line here or in our new Slack if you are interested in contributing to this!

I want to keep this discussion open for a while because I'd like as much feedback as possible but I'm also going to be making new team specific issues for getting the ball rolling on the new site.

notacouch commented 5 years ago

(complete and total tangent: image

GitHub needs animated GIF support right there lol)