Team2168 / 2014_Main_Robot

Code for the 2014 FRC season.
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Create controls layout #13

Closed jcorcoran closed 10 years ago

jcorcoran commented 10 years ago

Define a layout for operator and driver controls for the robot.

This should include any joystick (Logitech F310) button maps, dashboard inputs/buttons/text fields, and any custom control boards (if required).

The layout must provide the driver and operator the ability to control all necessary robot functions/actions in an intuitive manner, while reducing operator actions (e.g. complex tasks should be automated where practical).

Get programming and drive team buy in on the design. Completion of this task doesn't need to include implementing the design in code, but it does have to identify any code development it would depend on being available (e.g. required command groups).

I can't assign more than one person to the issue, but students should be helping: @Nick-N @jacobfranklin @Cazlly @isabellecwright