Team2168 / 2015_Main_Robot

Source code for the 2015 season
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Let go of 3-tote Auto stack #103

Open NotInControl opened 9 years ago

NotInControl commented 9 years ago

So if the refs don't count the 3-tote auto stack as is right now, because we are still in contact with it, I think the easiest fix is this:

change this line:

to be something like below (which reduces the drive distance forward with the stack)

addParallel(new DriveXDistance(7.8, 1), 4.2);

then also change this line:

to something like below (which increase the speed we drive back)

addSequential(new DriveXDistance(-7, 1), 2); //drive away to clear the stack

the goal would be to get the robot front wheels to just touch the white line, then speed backwards

We will drive backwards at full speed and get killed by auto ending. We don't currently have a way to drive short distances at full speed because the controller wants to Ramp up and Ramp down and control the acceleration. But in this case we will just speed back and get killed, so one way to do this is to set the setpoint high and then kill the command by timing out.

I think if you makes these changes the robot will backaway from the stack, I just didnt have time to implement this myself tonight. So if the refs tell you you need to let go, try doing this.

NotInControl commented 9 years ago

Also, two other changes that can be made to more bullet-proof this auto would be

  1. Add a parallel drivetrain backup during the lower/raise of the second tote. something like the following after this line:
addParrallel(new DriveXDistance(-0.3, 1), 2); //drive away to clear the stack

The point of this change will be to slightly backup with the robot while trying to lift the second tote and avoid colliding with the second bin.

  1. Maybe modify the bin gripper to have a part that will clamp onto the totes when engaged. We can add a command to close the bin gripper during the rotate command, which will hold the top most tote in place. Doing this will prevent totes from sliding off during the 90 degree rotation. (Although the only time we have had totes slide off during the rotation is when the 2nd tote collided with the bin) so if we fix #1 this may be OBE, but I don't see why we shouldn't do this anyway for more robustness. It will allow us to dial up the rotation speed.