Team2168 / 2015_Main_Robot

Source code for the 2015 season
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Create Operator joystick with attached layout #33

Closed jcorcoran closed 9 years ago

jcorcoran commented 9 years ago

I'd suggest we try the following button map to being with and see if it suits our needs:

Create the code to use this button map in

NotInControl commented 9 years ago

Do you think we don't need a button for "IndexOneTote" command. Which would raise lift some 1 tote height off the ground open intake spin wheels, and once a tote was sensed would close intake, and then once a tote was in proper position in the lift, lower lift to grab tote, and move lift back up?

I am also wondering if we can use current on the lift motors to sense when we let go of totes. We could make a score button which would be independent of situation, if this idea worked.

Benmw99 commented 9 years ago

did this in the ControlLayout branch