Team2890HawkCollective / 2023-Sensors

2023 Season FRC Robot code for Team 2890 - The Hawk Collective - Seraph
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Deposit Positioning #3

Open gavinjalberghini opened 1 year ago

gavinjalberghini commented 1 year ago

Problem: Placing the bot in the correct position to place game pieces.

Possible Sensors:

Possible Solutions:

NerdyDragon777 commented 1 year ago

Some links to post before in-depth research begins. Stage one.

NerdyDragon777 commented 1 year ago

AI Written psuedocode. (May be correct or incorrect, it is just an outline of what to possibly expect)

float distance = 5.0; // distance to align robot from April tag in units

// detect April tag TagData tagData = detectTag();

// determine position and orientation of April tag float tagX = tagData.getX(); float tagY = tagData.getY(); float tagTheta = tagData.getTheta();

// calculate target position for robot float targetX = tagX + distancecos(tagTheta); float targetY = tagY + distancesin(tagTheta);

// rotate robot to face target position rotateTo(targetX, targetY);

// move robot to target position moveTo(targetX, targetY);